Hearing that Cliff Fletcher has renewed his contract with the Leafs for another year as senior advisor. Soon to be 89, he doesn’t get out to many games, but puts in a full day with a bank of TVs and computer streaming watching NHL, junior, AHL and NCAA games.

Hearing that Cliff Fletcher has renewed his contract with the Leafs for another year as senior advisor. Soon to be 89, he doesn’t get out to many games, but puts in a full day with a bank of TVs and computer streaming watching NHL, junior, AHL and NCAA games.

  1. I like to think they just let him watch hockey in a room by himself and that’s all he does

  2. I don’t know if he offers all that much to the Leafs, but good for Cliff and his family!

  3. That sounds like the dream for a hockey fan, gets to sit in a room watching nothing but hockey all day in peace and simply point out which player looks like he’s good.

    I think many of us would do that for free lmao

  4. I remember going to my first Leafs game in 1992, we sat in the nosebleeds. I saw Cliff and waved at him and he waved back. Good for him

  5. he probably awkwardly hangs out around the offices so they give him a job to keep him busy and out of sight lol. I work with a guy well into his 70s that will literally die still working because he has no urge to retire. His mind is starting to go and his work is not good at all anymore. It’s sad.

  6. Why did I get a mental picture of ol’ Cliffy standing there in a white tshirt and boxers with scotch on the rocks watching a bank of tv’s?

  7. The disrespect here is fucking sickening. Fletcher is an HoF hockey executive who revived the Leafs in the post-Ballard era. It wasn’t just the player moves and on-ice success, either. Fletcher brought back the banners, retired numbers, and basically just brought pride back again after two decades of sideshow Ballard shit and criminality. If you lived it, you know how much he meant to this team.

    Fletcher deserves to keep that contract till he’s been dead at least 10 years. And yes, I know his record isn’t spotless. BFD. Nobody’s is. For what Fletcher did for this franchise and us long-suffering fans, he deserves a lot more respect than he’s getting in this thread.

  8. If Cliff can give input for a 2024 version of the Gilmour to Leafs trade, he’s worth it

  9. So this is like some pseudo role just so he can continue to get paid? Pretty cool considering he seems like a nice old man.

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