BREAKING: Randy Arozarena has been traded to the Seattle Mariners

BREAKING: Randy Arozarena has been traded to the Seattle Mariners

  1. It’s my fault I’m sorry gang. I got a great deal Monday on a city connect jersey from dicks 65% off and randy was the only player I was really interested in that they had in my size and my coupon expired Wednesday. I obviously pulled the trigger. Still even has the tags on it.

    I knew this was a probability but this franchise really makes it hard to be a fan sometimes.

  2. Sad to see him leave but depending on the return it was a good move. He was heating up and we sold him at the best time. Sucks that we lose a fan favorite and one of the few players that bring personality and attention to the team. Will never forget the 2020 playoff run he had.

  3. Let’s be honest. He was never apart of the long term. Strikes out too much and suspect in the field…

  4. We get back an outfielder and starting pitcher both currently playing in Low A (Mariners #12 and #22 prospect respectfully) plus a player to be named. Very much a headscrather/anger inducer

  5. Imagine keeping fan favorites couldn’t be the Rays

    But damn us Tampa fans really lost Stamkos and Randy in less than a month. Thank God Mike Evans stayed

  6. No sir I don’t like it.

    So I take it we’re selling? After beating a team to death today?

    You know who I feel bad for? Kids. Little kids who already had to toss their Franco gear in the trash last year now see another hero gone. It sucks.

  7. I feel like the Rays should just stop selling jerseys with players names on the back

  8. Are they gonna reimburse anyone who bought Randyland tickets for future homestands?

  9. Oh wow. You guys already warned me not to get attached to any players because no one is locked in here for a long time, but I’m still shocked and in disbelief. I mean, he’s a fan favorite, man. Wow.

  10. Mariners beat hates this trade. Think Smith and Hopkins are huge ascenders in their system. Time will tell but the Rays make a living on scouting the low minors for deals like this. Doesn’t make it hurt less in the meantime

  11. Very surprised at this tbh, usually this team isnt one to make big splashes (buys or sells) at deadline time. We all knew he wasnt going to stick long term unfortunately, but definitely seemed like something that wouldve been made in the offseason to me

  12. **M’s fan here**: It seems like many of you are down on the trade with losing Arozarena, but keep a close eye on Aidan Smith. I think this kid has a real shot to be a stud for you guys in a few years and he’s been putting up solid numbers at Low-A Modesto. Don’t let the #12 prospect ranking in the M’s farm system fool you. I can’t remember if it was Colt Emerson (#3 prospect in our farm) or Jonny Farmelo (#7 prospect in our farm), but there were analysts saying Aidan Smith was a “copy” of sorts in terms of talent and production this year compared to one of those players. He was 1 of the 4 high school players we drafted in that stacked 2023 MLB draft.


  13. Well, we probably won’t know if this trade is a win or a loss until 2026. But it’s funny that the Mariners went out and got Randy just to still lose the division to the Astros.

  14. Also this trade is ass with respect to what we are getting back, And how is Stu going to sell this while building a brand new stadium?

  15. How does ownership and the FO expect to build fan support when you keep trading away fan favorites. This might turn out to be a smart business move but Randy put butts in seats. Moves like this are to be expected as a Rays fan. Is it just a constant churning of players to keep a low payroll and have a good enough team until we hopefully catch lightning in a bottle where everything lines up?

  16. It’s more than the return folks, it’s also about salary. I wish nothing but the best for Randy. If he’s hot he will be expensive by Ray’s standards.

  17. If you wanted a city connect jersey but didn’t want to spend a ton of money I’d bet his will be on sale pretty soon

  18. I’m ok with losing Randy but that return looks like a fleece. 12 and 22 in the mariners organization ,wtf??? Surely we could do better for a player who has 3 years of control left???

  19. Rays fans, do not feel so bad. I actually want to wish the front office good luck.

    Here’s my take:

    1)Keeping Randy clearly wasn’t working this year. Not only is Randy NOT improving since his rookie of the year breakout, he has gotten substantially worse. The Rays probably dedicated much time to try and help him but it didn’t work so the front office realized that they were best to trade him while the value was high. Most ball players don’t become all stars and Randy may be among that group. 

    2)keeping randy may be more expensive considering his profile and if he gets worse this may make any trades less valuable and his payroll more expensive.

    3)the rrays got two promising prospects and a player to be named. So a total of three players. 

    4)Trading prospects with the mariners has a history of working out for the trading team. Here’s the following prospects the mariners have traded: Shoo Cho, David arias, Jason varitek, Ryan Yarbrough, Pablo Lopez, Derek Lowe,  Adam jones 

  20. I do not understand why we are trading our franchise player to the mariners for scraps when he has time left on his contract. I just don’t get it

  21. No matter what, Randy will be a Rays legend, just like Brett.

    It’s probably the right move, since we’re not going anywhere this season. This also allows Deluca and JLowe full time roles, and the only way they improve out of their slumps is fighting through them.

    Still sucks. Randy was so awesome when I went to KC. The most friendliest player I’ve ever seen.

  22. What absolute bag of crap. I am absolutely disgusted by this trade. I am finding it hard to continue to be a fan.

  23. I know this may not be entirely relevant, but I have tickets in Randy Land for tomorrow’s game. Think they’ll let me swap seats for spot of equal price? I only got them in that area for him and the t-shirt, so now it feels awkward lol

  24. Randy for 2 single A kids who won’t play for years? This doesn’t really make much sense? I’m fine with trading Randy but is this return not dogshit?

  25. I’m just annoyed they couldn’t give us one more Randyland for the next game. Kind of bullshit

  26. Big Mariners fan here. I’m not going to trust my own subreddit’s take on Randy as it’s full of upset fair-weather fans at the moment. I want to hear it from the source, Tampa fans. From what I can gather in your comments, it sounds like Randy was heating up, but why is he having a down year? Has anything stood out or been mentioned from the locker room? All I see is a low point after after several good years, so I don’t know what to make of it, especially since he’s still under 30. Someone give it to me straight because the last month of Mariners baseball has been anything but that.

  27. I truly hope this trade has a good return. I know nothing about the players we got, I’m definitely gonna keep an eye on the farm to see how they do.

    Better there than the Yankees though lmao

  28. Nothing is more hilarious that yall wanting him traded then lissed when he is…

    Then again, a lot of yallbhated the traded that got Randy in the first place (for those that actually remember he was acquired via trade)

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