88 Days Until Tip-Off – Free Talk Friday | Jul 26, 2024

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  1. ##BHB’s Off Day Thread Stats


    **Posts:** 1224

    **Bees:** 77

    **Honey Harvested:** +5351

    **Honey/Post Avg.:** 4.37


    **BHB’s POTT:** +23 Honey
    >>PCT update –

    >>Am alive and halfway through Washington! Fucking beautiful up here, would highly recommend if you guys have never been.


    >>Been stoked to finally get to service and see some Brodie news, but instead I get back and find out that The Ron Houses fucking died. Why would Boof do this. >:(


    **Busiest Bee:** vladimir_pimpin w/ 96 Posts

    **Most Honey:** IdRatherBeLurkingToo +450 Honey


    **BHB’s Top-Bees**


  2. Years later, I looked at my wedding party of six groomsmen and realized that every single one of them had, like me, fucked a couch. All of us had found ourselves beheld by the eroticism of two cushions, side-by-side, with that lush, inviting valley between. We all knew how to respect one too: With a rubber glove and any lubricant you had on hand. All of us were lonely at some point, pushed away by the women in our lives It was our outlet and an unspoken-yet-open secret. To want for a couch is to be, and to lay with one as one does? It is a rite of passage into the chambers of manhood.

  3. Got some tightness in a hamstring which is exactly where it meets a toilet seat when I sit down, so I’ve spent a good portion of say sitting on a toilet massaging my hamstring, if you know what I mean 

  4. I worked every day since Monday.

    Monday, July 15th

    12 days in a row

    I’m tired, boss

  5. Randomly thinking of Mitt Romney getting to see Pacquiao get slept right in front of him and his wife.

  6. I’m back after a long day of searching for new furniture. It was finally time for an upgrade. I needed a little more cushion for the pushin

  7. You know I was always the bullied not the bully, so this jd Vance fucked a couch thing is really exciting to me

  8. With all the consternation over the last month, you’d think there’d be more comments in the draft videos posted yesterday.

  9. I love y’all. I hope you have a good day. I’m getting CPR certified today so I’ll like save your lives or something.

  10. Mods, please change my flair to, “Trump is too old and stupid to be President.”

  11. Republicans: No guys we’re not racist, I swear, we just want a meritocracy! Democrats are the real racists!

    Republicans when a black woman gets nominated: Crazy colored DEI slut jesebel slut!

  12. I wonder if Biden’s gonna do a little osama press conference over the Sinaloa guy

  13. The best thing about accusing someone of fucking a couch is that there’s never gonna be enough evidence to formally say it didn’t happen and also that it’s an impossible task to talk yourself out of, the more you deny fucking a couch the more people will think you fucked a couch.

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