Phanatic figurines!

Not even sure where these came from. But here’s a look at my Phanatic figurine collection. I have them sitting in my office!

  1. I have the tuxedo one! My late Grandmom (who I was very close with) gave it to me when I bought an RV and traveled around the country. He was taped to my dashboard and I loved it! He now sits on a ledge in my apartment. 

  2. My 3 year old has them in his room on a surf board, he loves em. I got my set off eBay for a steal a while back

  3. One of my brothers collected those Phanatic figurines when we were kids; he has the entire set. I think they are still at our parents’ house.

  4. I had one of these too! I lost track of him when I grew up. I wish I hung on to him.

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