Starting to see media support for Marek

Obviously this doesn’t guarantee anything, but I imagine they wouldn’t be publicly supporting him if there were rumors of misconduct

  1. I’m just dying to know why he was let go (or didn’t have his contract renewed) as this thing is just confusing me

  2. I’ve seen a paywalled post that said Marek didn’t do anything malicious or terrible, but more he said something that angered a stakeholder. Hopefully , that is true and I could see that Marek while having a long discussion accidentally said something too critical in the moment.

  3. I saw a rumour that he leaked a trade on draft night to another team. Any legs to that rumour?

  4. Very bizarre situation. The suddenness and public silence from both Rogers and Marek makes it seem like a conduct-related investigation or dismissal. But the public support from so many colleagues in the media (who likely have some idea of what is going on behind the scenes) definitely indicates that the conduct is not at all the usual things we see (ie. not something like harassment or inappropriate behaviour).

  5. Hope he’s doing well and starts a new Jeff Marek show somewhere else, but it won’t be the same without him and Friedman together. I was curious when he was dropped from HNIC last year, maybe there were still som hard feelings from that.

  6. I wish we can bully Sportsnet into re-hiring Marek. I freaking love that guy.
    Listening to him and Eliotte on 32 thoughts is always the highlight of my week.
    I don’t know what I’m going to do without them…

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