Rempe to train with Kreider on and off ice for rest of Off-Season

Here’s Brooks’ article on it as well.

Seems great for Rempe’s training and to see Kreider mentoring him. Does anyone know if Kreider has taken a younger player like this under his wing before?

  1. All last season I thought Rempe would be so good if he learned to redirect some pucks. That giant unmovable wall in front of a goaltender who can ALSO get some tip ins? This is more of what the rangers need. This is perfect news

  2. Master has a new apprentice

    I mean – if Chris will teach Matt how to tip goals from shots that are aimed outside the net and how to hold his ground in front of the net… what will goalie of ther team see? Nothing. Only NYR celebrating goal.

  3. Love this. Was cool seeing him train with Georges Laraque but Rempe is far more useful using his size out in front deflecting shots and cleaning up rebounds than he is as a one dimensional enforcer.

  4. Rempe has an underrated hockey IQ. He was already parking his big ass self in front to screen goalies. If Krieder can teach him the ways of The Tip™️, he’s going to be a menace.

  5. Kreider just wants to own the zoomer Rempe in Halo every time he walks in the house.

  6. If there’s one thing you can say about Kreider is that he has a phenomenal off season work ethic. I know the place that he works out at and it’s legit. For Kreider to take Rempe under his wing and show him how a true professional works during the offseason can only be a good thing. I know a lot of the American guys at least stick around and work out at the same place as Kreider for at least some of the offseason and I really wish more guys did it. If everyone on the team worked as hard as Kreider does in the offseason we’d win the cup.

  7. Kreider is good about helping train younger guys in the off-season who stay in the area. It’s one of the reasons I wanted him to be named Captain the season after we traded McDonagh.

  8. I feel like most people are underestimating the kids potential because of the fact that he made a name for himself as a goon right away but you have to remember that we played a six-game playoff series against Carolina and of all people, rempe had the single fastest burst of speed in the entire series of any player according to the statcast metrics. The kid is huge, fast, strong, and he’s got a lot of potential if we can develop him right

  9. This is great news. I have high hopes for Rempe to be more than just a 4 minute a night muscle man, and working with Kreider can only be a good thing for that.

    Not that I have magical unreal aspirations for him to be a top 6 guy, but if he can be bottom 3/6 and just Meat Market those pucks in while still being a scary and hard charging forechecker, that would be all right with me.

  10. Everyone asking how Drury is gonna manage the cap with Laffy and Shesty coming up for renewal but not asking how they’re gonna manage the cap when Matt Rempe learns the way of the Kreider and pots 70 goals while eclipsing the goalie and tipping everything within 15 feet of the net into said net

  11. To me, this signals a big and transparent commitment to becoming an NHL regular. Guy could’ve comfortably stayed and trained at home in Alberta all summer, but instead is opting to leave home to train with the biggest gym rat in the org. Not only that, but Prentiss (who Kreider trains with) also trains a bunch of other top-tier players during the offseason.

    I really like that Kreider and Rempe have seemingly bonded. Kreider probably just likes having another guy on the team who reads books LOL (that, and someone to beat up in Halo).

  12. Really should be putting all this work and media into edstrom. Dude has a higher skill ceiling

  13. I think he’s done things like this quite a bit. I remember him working with Buch when he was still learning English, so they could communicate in Russian and English. Seems like Kreider enjoys mentoring younger players.

  14. Stuff like this is why Kreider should be wearing the C. Hoping that he not only helps him with his work in front of the net, but can help Remove with his skating too. Would like to see Trocheck work with him on taking draws too. Anything that makes Rempe a bigger force and more rounded player is a plus for him.

  15. Glad to hear this. Rempe might be the least agile player in the NHL, he turns like an aircraft carrier out there and ends up out of position when the play changes direction quickly. He’s an awesome dude though and obviously has the tools to become a useful, regular NHLer.

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