Laine has been released from the NHLPA Player Assistance Program

Laine has been released from the NHLPA Player Assistance Program

  1. Good for him! Now I hope we can get a good deal worked out for him so he can start new with a clear mind. Proud of you, Patty!

  2. Just a complete shot in the dark and not really evidence based opinion, but my gut is that he is going to Buffalo. Based on what we are asking and available cap, Buffalo seems like a good landing spot for him.

    Wherever he ends up, I hope he has a long healthy career. Will root for him always.

  3. I don’t know if this is going to be a popular comment, but I hope there has been some training staff turnover with Don at the head and injuries start to slow. It’s been rampant the past 3 years, which is a reflection of that staff and their preventative measures failing.

    And maybe another unpopular opinion, I hope Laine looks to stay with the changes we have made at the front end with Don and Evason taking charge. I don’t think the return will be nearly as good as he is at full strength. I only want this change if this is what he thinks is best for him, which for the club and him- I think it is.

  4. Honestly…my conspiracy theory…there has been a trade basically “in queue” for the past few weeks from our front office until this moment when Laine exited the program so the other team can evaluate/speak to Laine personally before agreeing to such a large transaction.. Now that he has cleared Laine will directly speak to the potential other team and let them evaluate him. If both sides agree and happy with the situation the trade will happen.

    The fact that McGroarty has not been moved spite all the noise around him around draft time I feel like part of this deal includes him. Now does Laine end up in Winnipeg…/shrug…but there could potentially be a 3 way deal here if that’s the case. Most likely Columbus ends up holding 25-30% of his salary which is still quite a sum but one we can hold at this point for 2 years without issue.

  5. I don’t love the undertones that are in some of the comments in the main threads that Columbus did something wrong here.

    Columbus did a lot to try to help him be successful and help him out. They let him play center ffs. Some fuckfaces on a podcast said something awful but the fans treated him very well.

  6. Good for him! I wish the best for him going forward, wherever that may be.

    Glad to have had you in Columbus, Patrick!

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