Taking my kid to his first canucks game, am I allowed to walk down to the glass to watch warmups? my seating is sec 101 behind the net 11th row

Taking my kid to his first canucks game, am I allowed to walk down to the glass to watch warmups? my seating is sec 101 behind the net 11th row

  1. Yes. Bring a sign and show up early. Maybe you’ll get a pick for him too.

  2. No rules against that during warm-ups, just be respectful and it’s all good.

  3. Absolutely you can! I just advise that if you want a good spot you head down there almost immediately after the doors open. It fills up very very quick on the regular seating side (the club seat side doesn’t fill up as fast but you need to have club seat tickets to access that area – and don’t try jumping over the railing I’ve seen security stop people pretty quick).

    You’ll still have time to grab some food or whatever if that’s your plan, after the warmup ends before the game starts. I recommend heading to the glass first if you want to be right up against it.

  4. I took me son to his first Canucks game last year. We were way upper bowl but walked down at warm up to the place where the Canucks leave the ice. He had a sign that said. My first nhl game can I please have a puck. Well a ladie with the Canucks staff saw him and got him on the big screen to play a game during a commercial and they also gave him a puck. It was one of the greatest day of both of our lives. They are so good to kids there it was insane. He also ended up catching a T shirt. He was a lucky boy that night. He is a link to him must see.https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/comments/1bjr6ck/the_staff_at_rogers_arena_are_top_notch_my_sons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

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