Your training camp tickets for my preseason tickets?

I’m a season ticket holder but we’re going on vacation on July 31st, so I can’t make the season ticket training camp day. However, I REALLY want to take my kid(s) to training camp (have 3 kids but the eldest, pictured here, is the biggest fan!)

I would need to go to training camp Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Sunday would be ideal.

If anyone is interested, I’d love to trade my 2 preseason tickets to Commanders vs Patriots on August 25th for your training camp tickets (at least 2 tickets but as many as you can spare). We have good seats at FedEx, Lower Level Section 105.

Let me know if anyone is interested. And if don’t want to trade but have tickets to spare – we would certainly appreciate them! Thank you!!

  1. If I had training camp tickets i’d give them to you! Hope you find some!

  2. If you can hold on till tomorrow for me to double check with my son to see what he would rather do and I can get back to you! I have em for next Sunday the 3rd PM me

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