We’ve got a new argument undercutting and diminishing Steph by someone literally paid to analyze and write about the sport. You just can’t help but laugh at this point at the knots they twist themselves into. 😂

We’ve got a new argument undercutting and diminishing Steph by someone literally paid to analyze and write about the sport. You just can’t help but laugh at this point at the knots they twist themselves into. 😂

  1. Just crazy to think they the league still tryna catch up. He’s still the best shooter. Imagine how long it wouldve taken for the game to be like this if a shooter like him never entered the league.

  2. Guys dunking the ball and defying gravity was happening with or without MJ. He’s just the face.

    Does he realize how stupid this sounds 

  3. All I saw was a wall of text and a stupid take. Anyone with half a brain about basketball can tell Curry changed the game.

  4. I’ve seen better takes at the bottom of my toilet, Jesus Christ. You know it’s a bad take when it pisses you off lmao

  5. Dudes, pfp looks like he couldn’t even run across a basketball court, what does he know?

  6. I’m as open to objective critique of the Warriors as probably any fan.

    This is dumb.

  7. It wasn’t going to happen. Curry was the proof of concept and now every team is trying to copy.

  8. “The 3-Point revolution was happening with or without Curry. He’s just the face”

    Because he began the revolution LMAO wtf is this guy on ??????

  9. Sam Quinn looks like he had one too many 🍩!

    Does he even know how to shoot a basketball? Reminds me of the awkward kid in gym class that always finishes last. Poor guy…

    Trauma does that to a person.

  10. Some pathetic fat fuck taking about sports in general is hilarious, this dudes greatest accomplishment was walking to his refrigerator to get another pint of ice cream

  11. This guy has probably never even touched a basketball in his life. What a goober.

  12. Ridiculous. Curry singlehandedly changed basketball strategy. Until Curry, the 3-point revolution was much more about encouraging role players to shoot 35% 3s instead of 38% midrangers. And without Curry it would’ve continued that way for a long while. Trending upward but no NBA fan would be in awe of PJ Tucker suddenly shooting 4 3s a game instead of 1. Whoopee.

    Curry showed in *thrilling* fashion that with the right skill, agility, and footwork, what were thought of as inexcusably difficult 20% 3-point-attempts could be 40% 3-point attempts and that stars could spam them en masse. James Harden (volume) and Dame Lillard (percentage) are the only primary ballhandlers who have come close to Steph did, but neither match in volume and percentage. And both took a few years after Steph’s landmark 2015 and 2016 seasons to start doing that.

    Since it’s been 10 years and no one’s matched Steph’s volume and efficiency (and of any active player only Luka seems like he even has a smidgen of a chance), it’s fair to say that Steph pushed the sport at least 15 years into the future, singlehandedly.

    I know this first hand because even though I now live in the Bay Area, I grew up in New Mexico as a Spurs fan. In that 2013 playoff series watching Steph (and Klay) genuinely felt like alien basketball. Steph was shooting shots that did not make sense in the entire history of basketball… and they were going in, over and over again. I felt like my brain was breaking.

    All evidence, statistically and aesthetically, shows Steph broke the game and *definitely* drove it’s evolution. Ridiculous and naïve of basketball history to think otherwise.

  13. The worst part of posting this type of stuff is giving guys like this publicity.

  14. Yeah it’s weird how they say something is coming, but ignoring the person who drove it. I can kind of see his point with Kobe but Steph was the reason.

    By his logic, well Kobe was coming eventually so MJ isn’t really that great. What a twat.

  15. This chubby baby is going perfectly qualified to set the narrative for Steph Curry’s legacy. Leave him alone!!!!! 😂 

  16. The first statement is just one of the wildest statements ever written on the game of basketball.

    His fans hate to hear it? 🤣 bruh

    He forgot to mention Steph copied this hooper named Dell too.

  17. And yet Steph’s been doing it for 15 years since 2009. And there is no one else like him, nor anyone else looking like him coming up.
    The avg NBA draft age is around 19-20. That means players meaning these current players literally grew up watching him, yet can’t be him. You could say the last 7-8 years players “grew up” watching Steph and can’t compare.

    Also, Sam Quinn looks like he shoots a layup under the basket with both hands, and a leg kick.

  18. I’ve never seen a MJ jump over a moving car.

    Jimmer Fredette didn’t create Trae Young

  19. Lol trash takes that Kobe slander is old , but to say the games best shooter had no affect on the game is wild

  20. Who tf is Sam Quinn? Triple chin mfer has never spent a second in the gym let alone q court. Can’t even lift a basketball above his head

  21. Name any team, EVER, that had a PG who could do what Wardell Stephen Curry does. Never seen before, might not be again.

  22. I would agree with this take on Kobe. But he’s dead wrong on Steph. He for sure revolutionized the game. If you dropped somebody from the 80s, 90s, and early 00s. into the mid to late 2010s to watch Steph they’d be shocked. The depth from which he is shooting from – and the rate he’s making them is ridiculous.

    Nobody was taking deep 3s like that because it was considered to be a poor shot. But then we see Dame, Trae – and many others taking similar shots. Shit – go to any LA Fitness. The amount of idiots shooting nba range 3s is dumbfounding lol.

    He changed the way the game is played.

  23. I truly believe this guy knows what he is talking about. He knows this is gonna put him on the spotlight n that is all he care about, being in the spotlight.

    Please do not give this man any more exposure. He doesn’t deserve any.

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