Tyler Phillips pitched a complete game shut out tonight

Tyler Phillips pitched a complete game shut out tonight

Tyler Phillips pitched a complete game shut out tonight
byu/starstufft inphillies

  1. Next man up mentality. On the day Ranger gets sent to the IL too. Absolutely love it. Good to see we actually had a game where the pitching was on point and the bats were too. Let’s win this series tomorrow what do you say???

  2. To that one redditor last night who said “fuck this team” ….. go sell ALL of your Phillies stuff and become a Mets fan.

  3. Pretty good for a Bishop Eustace kid. (I went to the big state rival GCHS).

  4. Why not just say “shutout”? I never understood why people started calling it a “complete game shutout”.

  5. I’m going to the game tomorrow for my first to finally be in the bank. I envoy those who got to see this game tonight and wish to see the same electricity tomorrow. Sad I don’t get see the double nickel I saw slated for it but go Fightins!

  6. The crowd gave him a huge standing ovation at the start of the 9th inning and I thought to myself, “this is good practice for October…”

    Seriously, doesn’t it feel like he’s on the fast track to becoming a postseason hero?

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