Cardinals After Dark 7/27


FINAL: 14-3 Nationals


Postgame Wrap


  1. I’ve seen 90 year old meemaws with dementia and a bad UTI less delusional than our front office.

    Sell you idiots!

  2. Good thing I decided to have a movie night. I see we got our asses kicked in the big football game.

  3. What is the win% in games that Carlson plays?

    Edit: Serious question. I’m wondering if there’s trend or not and curious about his usage over Noot. My main theory is they’re seeing what he’s got to get a good idea of his skills. Because it’s time to trade him

  4. Really sucks that Gibby gets the loss. Feel like every year we have at least one pitcher who is lights out and team doesn’t show up

  5. So um. 2.5 games back. I know I said it’s over a bunch earlier but, it’s really not. They just need to win tomorrow and win the next two series with one being a sweep preferably. Hopefully tonight was a wake up call and it lights a fire under them. WIN. TOMORROW. PLEASE.

    Cardinals drop to 1-4 with me in attendance.

  6. They should sell and people should be terminated for this roster construction and some of the decisions being made.

    What they have done to Libby this season is criminal.

  7. I really hope the cardinals sell. Could make a killing with trading some Bullpen arms

  8. Honestly, would not be disappointed if we sold. We could get a lot for helsley and it’s not like our farm system is full right now anyways

  9. can we honestly be smart and just sell at the deadline? we as fans should not be mad about that. would applaud the front office if they did.

  10. I do not like this trend and would like to request the Cardinals start winning ball games asap, please and thank you very much.

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