SGA yelling”what’up BI**CH” to opponent after Canada/Greece game

SGA yelling”what’up BI**CH” to opponent after Canada/Greece game

  1. The Olympics is truly a meeting place to share a country’s culture.

  2. Why not show like 3 extra seconds of what caused the interaction. Better than nothin I guess.

  3. Olympics really showed that Canada can be mean like everyone else hahaha. First the soccer thing and then this.

  4. Giannis is so big, he’s noticeably larger than anyone else on the court. Looks like a giant amongst men.

  5. Anyone surprised by Canadians talking shit should watch a hockey game sometime.

    (looking at you, Brad Marchand)

  6. That’s a strong forearm. Dude bounced off like the last season of Game of Thrones.

  7. #5 on Greek team shoulder checked Nikel Alexander Walker thats why SGA got heated.

  8. That opponent is Larentzakis #5 for Greece. He body checked Dillon Brooks out of bounds on a loose ball Dillon was hustling for during the same game, and just last month he kicked an opposing team player while the game was stopped. Dudes fiery and a competitor but definitely crosses lines from time to time and doesn’t seem the kind to stand his ground once shi- hits the fan. In the clip of him kicking an opponent you can see him quickly step behind his teammates after he starts the scuffle.

  9. yknow I saw this happen out of the corner of my eye while doing other stuff and i kinda just assumed it was brooks doing the instigating

  10. Sga solid but he couldn’t say that to giannis…more of a bitch move to me. Don’t call out the henchmen…send it to the boss

  11. Imagine needing to talk shit to a team with 1 NBA player and barely winning. Very tough.

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