[Joel Sherman] Jason Adam from Rays to the Padres for Dylan Lesko, Homer Bush Jr. and JD Gonzalez

[Joel Sherman] Jason Adam from Rays to the Padres for Dylan Lesko, Homer Bush Jr. and JD Gonzalez

  1. I get the cost/control component but this is a major overpay in my opinion. Don’t think trading promising young starters for old relievers is good business.

    Should’ve just avoided the reliever market if it’s this inflated.

  2. We gave up our #3 and #8 and #12 prospect for a reliever. I get we need bullpen help, but this is a complete overpay IMO. Kinda disappointed in this trade.

  3. Look we needed a good reliever badly.  He is good and he is controlled for 2.5 years.

    With that said…that’s a ton to give up.

    Obviously Lesko’s stock is down.  Padres must of decided they didn’t see his command developing.  

    If Lesko never gets his command together he won’t ever be any good.  Of course he is still young and could find it.  

    This trade tells me one thing…Preller is going to moves some guys.  This is a major win now move.  

  4. this is a huge boost to our pen. he is probably similar to Morejons level. hope the price wasn’t too high but i trust AJ

  5. I’m glad for the relief but I expect something like this for Fairbanks…

  6. Seems like a lot to give up. I thought this is what we would give up for Mason Miller (before he got injured)

  7. Good god Preller needs to stop tinkering. That’s way too much for a 32 year old reliever with an ERA closer to 3 than 2

  8. Isn’t this the one dude that denied wearing the pride night patch and made a huge deal out of not wearing it?

  9. 2.5 years of a proven high-leverage relief arm to help out our 28th-ranked bullpen.

    Rays get:

    Homer Bush Jr.: .709 OPS in 86 games for the A+ Tincaps.

    Dylan Lesko: 1-9 with a 6.46 ERA for the A+ Tincaps

    JD Gonzalez: Low-A catcher with a .551 OPS.

    It looks like these guys are lottery ticket prospects. With the expectation that Salas/Campy is the future in 2026 or so, Gonzalez isn’t a loss to our depth.

    Lesko hasn’t impressed numbers-wise. Bush will grow but plays outfield, and we have 2 of our 3 outfield spots on lock for the foreseeable future.

    I think it’s a good trade.

  10. Too pricey for a guy who isn’t even that good. I’d have rather risked it than this deal, as Lesko has too much upside to deal for a 3 year reliever.

    One more year off Tommy John and he could become an easy ace worth tens of millions a year.

    The scarier thing for me is if Preller continues because of whatever if going on with Darvish. I’d rather just roll than sell off deVries or Salas.

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