Leaving this here

Leaving this here

  1. The Astros cheated ain’t nobody gonna argue that. But what’s really funny about nobody caring about the 2018 Red Sox cheating is it’s basically saying there is an acceptable amount of cheating you can do and it be okay.

  2. I went and collected my down votes because I will continue to shit on these “I hate cheaters” shitheads. Because they don’t hate cheating, they hate when it’s not their favorite team. They don’t want to discuss all the other people that did it before and after. They don’t want to discuss the guys that BROUGHT it here and TOOK IT ELSEWHERE. They don’t want to talk about all the veterans that pointed at their team and almost every other for the same thing the same years as the Yankees, Red Sox, and Astros. Fuck them and their fake righteousness.

  3. Why are we posting this stuff on our sub? We all know what happened. Its been posted multiple times before. Let them do whatever they want. We dont need to engage.

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