Baltimore Orioles vs San Diego Padres | LIVE! Play-by-Play & Commentary | 7/28/24 | Game #105

Baltimore Orioles vs San Diego Padres | LIVE! Play-by-Play & Commentary | 7/28/24 | Game #105

The Orioles are in desperate need for a win today. Yesterday’s loss may have seen the morale of the club hit bottom this season, and the fun and youthful energy that we have grown to love over the past two seasons seems to be absent. This team needs a spark. There are no excuses. Our hitting is as inconsistent as it has been all year, our defense is playing its absolute worst of the season, and pitching has been hit or miss, typically hitting when we cannot score, then missing when we just cannot score enough. It’s Murphy’s Law with these O’s right now, and I, for one, am ready to turn this thing around. Too much season left to see this team continue on, and we are still looking for last-minute additions to help the club. For today, we simply hope to avoid a sweep in our own yard, as we will need the very best from Albert Suarez, who will be matched up against RHP Randy Vasquez of San Diego. It easy to trash a team when they are not doing well, its easy to turn your back on them until they start winning for you. This channel may not be for you! We are the true fans. There through thick and thin. Because, when we do reach that promised land, and we WILL reach it…the satisfaction for loyal, dedicated fans like you and me, is going to be unmatched. Absolute euphoria. That is my speech. We may not turn things around today, but I am confident we will soon enough. It’s Sunday baseball, let’s take the pressure of ourselves, and maybe our club can follow suit. Go out there and ENJOY this beautiful game. I promise you, a spark WILL come. So grab a snack, a cold one or six and enjoy the ballgame. Thank yooooouuuuuu.

Hello folks, and welcome to the newest home of Orioles coverage. I am Steve, AKA, the BirdWatcher, and I am on what the Blues Brothers would refer to as – a mission from GOD. Due to a variety of reasons and unexpected circumstances, this former staff writer for the Premier League gets to return to his original passion, starting his own project – covering Orioles baseball all season long. That’s right. Along with a handful of Spring Training games, the mission is to cover EVERY regular season game this year.

If you love the Orioles, of if you just love the game of baseball, I think you have happened upon a great find. Yes, this channel is new…things may have that “under construction” look about it, but I promise you – what matters most is calling a good game, provide commentary from the Oriole fan perspective and create an environment for fellow BirdWatchers to congregate, and talk baseball, LIVE and in the moment. I cannot wait to meet more and more fellow Oriole fans and fans of the great American pastime.

Please consider subscribing to the channel and help grow this ambitious project. Get in on the ground floor! This channel, this SEASON, is 40 (+1) years in the making. Something “magic” is in the air. O-R-I-O-L-E-S. ORIOLES MAGIC!

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