[Vassegh] Joe Kelly said he didn’t hear the boos from Astros fans today: “They weren’t loud enough honestly.”

[Vassegh] Joe Kelly said he didn’t hear the boos from Astros fans today: “They weren’t loud enough honestly.”

  1. ![gif](giphy|fYfiVXgl0Y3Y1TxS6I|downsized)

    This is not a man you can easily get under the skin of


  3. It’s all talk Grandpa Kelly again. The guy that said he 100% totally would have fought the entire Astros team in a hotel lobby if he would have come across them.

  4. For a man who was a proud member of a team that cheated on the way to a World Series he sure hates that this other team cheated on their way to World Series

  5. All he’s ever done his whole career is chirp. Type of dude you hate to play against but love on your team

  6. It’s not that surprising. Most Astros fans probably don’t even remember he was on that Red Sox team that was busted for cheating. Maybe they’d boo more if he were a more prominent part

  7. Joe needs a statue at Dodger Stadium when he retires for his attitude alone 🤣🤣

  8. Congrats on avoiding a sweep. Paying 300M for moral victories. Can’t expect much more with Dave Roberts as your “manager” though.

  9. Game 1: Damn they were too loud for me

    Game 2: Damn I cried and they were too loud for me

    Game 3: Finally win. Ayyy I can’t hear ya’ll!

  10. Joe Kelly is a bro. We probably disagree about most everything else in life, but yeah fuck the Astros

  11. Man was a spectacular catch from biggio away from giving up a run on the second consecutive hard hit ball against him today… man what could have been. Good series

  12. This dude would sing differently if he had to stand in the box with a bat. One sad part of universal DH.

  13. The man is charming soft. Homie 100% starts a fight and is the first to get the bouncers.

  14. astros fans should embrace the trashcan. make oscar the grouch their grimace and bang trashcans everytime the dodgers show up to houston.

  15. Joe Kelly is going to go through his whole career never being on my favorite team and that is completely tragic.

  16. Weird how he didn’t have any media availability last night after making a point to chirp when he was in the dugout

  17. I’m not even mad, I low key like the guy. They need more “fuck you, bitch” attitudes in the MLB. Anyone ever notice how much more tame and respectful pro baseman players are compared to other sports?

    He won me over when he wore the mariachi jacket to the white house. At least he is who he is idk.

  18. Bro talks the loudest when he thinks he’s protected. I wish that he would get in the box against a pitcher with the speed of Chapman

  19. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah

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