Is it me do Kyle Pitts and the guys look a lot happier this year…

Haven’t seen Pitts smile that big since his rookie year.

  1. i remember seeing him smile, but the hater in me thinks arthur smith was sent here to torture us fans, so im gonna go with yeah they look happier

  2. Going from Ridder to a top 10 QB right in time for your contract year puts a smile on the face I guess. Also the coaches haven’t called you a decoy yet. And when the reporters ask what’s the plan with Pitts the answer was “get him the ball” rather than “this isn’t fantasy football.”

  3. Y’all must have a good vibe going at camp this year. I’m a Vikings fan who liked Cousins so I’ve been watching some Falcons clips and interviews. He looks more relaxed and happier than during his time in Minnesota too.

    Now queue the “if I was making that much money I’d be happy too ” comments. Lol

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