HB Mornings Ep 126: Ryan Grubb Sound You Gotta Hear

HB Mornings Ep 126: Ryan Grubb Sound You Gotta Hear

The Seahawks new offensive coordinator, Ryan Grubb, did a terrific interview with Dave “Softy” Mahler on KJR. I had to play some of it for you here and give you some of my reactions.

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  1. Whatever happens I'm confident the offense will be much improved from what we have endured over the last 5-6 seasons. The key will be how well the O line preforms and agree with you in that inside pressure makes the QB's job so much harder. If this O line group can improve there it really gives Geno a much better platform. I'm desperate to see a more physical offense where they bully defenses, wear them down and take their souls! An offense that not only stretches and schemes you but punches you straight in the face and does not stop. I want defenses to hate playing the Seahawks as they know it will be a tough physical grind and pound them. So excited and intrigued to see how this new coaching staff gels and performs. We must not forget that this is virtually a whole new staff that have never worked together and many not at this level in the NFL before. It may take some time but I really am confident that when it clicks we will see a totally different much improved team on both sides of the ball to the one we've watched the last few seasons.

  2. I don't get why it's surprising at DK's effort. Despite that one liner about only coming when he has to, under Pete that was not the case. In fact I think he only said that because he's not bought in YET loyalty wise to this coach compared to Pete. Under Pete, often was DK the one WR starter at voluntary workouts over Tyler even. Often is he referenced or shown in videos doing QB workouts going back to Russell Wilson. This guy has always been a pro and hard worker. He just lets his competitive nature get the best of him on the field sometimes

  3. It sounds like the HC has given complete trust to the OC to do his job. Let him make the best offense he can make with no limiters or personnel off the table. The old "do your job" if you will.

  4. I like that Dodson and Baker are happy to be here. Both said McDonald is a genius. Dodson said that McDonald taught him things that he had never heard of before.

  5. Most refreshing part to me also is planning protection accordingly. Felt like Waldron wouldn’t chip DEs or help in pass pro until forced to. Hopefully the disguise approach in formations, plays, protections doesn’t let defenses identify our tendencies. Love the grubb hire especially because of his experience doing it at any level. Design, gameplan, playcalls over years.

  6. It's ironic to me, but I think Pete would have loved Ryan Grubb. Everything Pete ever preached about offense is what Ryan Grubb is. Actually Mike McDonald is not far off in philosophy from Pete either, but it think the execution will be better. I think that this coaching staff is results oriented, whereas I am not so sure Pete was. The thing I like about Grubb is he treats each game differently, like Belichick does on defense. I remember that game last year where he ran the ball for like 250 yards (I am a UGA fan so I don't know the player names), I think his name was Dillon though? I just want to see a hyper efficient offense that keeps the chains moving, I think it's the most important factor in playing good defense actually (less time on the field).

  7. It be nice if Grubb can break the RPO/Screen curse it seems Hawks have had for the latter if not all of the PC era. Like its sad how cringe it was whenever the team would even try to do a screen and it probably was because how I believe it would always end up being on a 3rd down a try would be made, how defenses just NEVER bit to where it was always for a negative gain. Having the ability to be more diverse on offense should always be a positive and I believe it will show.

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