[Sidery] The Jazz are a potential team to monitor for Brandon Ingram, per @cclark_13

[Sidery] The Jazz are a potential team to monitor for Brandon Ingram, per @cclark_13

  1. Christ. The Jazz are going to get thrown into every one of these articles for the next decade. Their unwillingness to commit to winning *or losing* combined with the Ainge effect will ensure this.

  2. Would be a great idea. Ingram is a potential top 25 player. I think you can get him for Collins/Walker.

  3. Pure speculation based on Ingram still being available and the Jazz having assets. Nothing is actually happening. 

  4. I don’t see it personally. He wants to get a huge contact and while he is very good he also has some pretty big limitations. if we can get him for like 2 firsts then sure, but I’m not paying a ton for him

  5. Too injury prone is the main reason it’s a pass for me. I can accept the questionable “killer instinct”. Also, i’ve heard NBA podcasters say he wants $50+ million next contract.

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