Trading Tyler Anderson

Trading Tyler Anderson

  1. Hasn’t Tyler Anderson kind of been like this throughout his career though? The way he gets the job done isn’t pretty, but he does get the job done……most of the time.

  2. FWAR is shit for pitchers because it’s based on a flawed assumption. Namely that pitch to favorable contact isn’t a skill. By that assumption, Weaver was a garbage pitcher who just got super lucky. BWAR credits pitchers for what they actually did. 

  3. Couple dudes here getting too into the weeds about fWAR. The meme is just joking about how, despite Andersons success, he is still a tough guy to trade due to Peripherals suggesting he is due for regression.

  4. The Chad baseball fan: ERA, SO, IP, BB/9, K/9

    The Virgin analytics fan: fWAR, FIP, bWAR, ERA+, FB%

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