Bryan Sammons’ 7.1 innings pitched tonight is the most by a Tigers pitcher in his Major League debut since Andy Van Hekken threw a complete game shutout on September 3, 2002 vs. Cleveland.

Bryan Sammons’ 7.1 innings pitched tonight is the most by a Tigers pitcher in his Major League debut since Andy Van Hekken threw a complete game shutout on September 3, 2002 vs. Cleveland.

  1. Won’t win any awards for this appearance but dude went out there, threw strikes, and gave us some innings. If Brieske did’t get chewed up in the 1st and the offense was functional then it might’ve been a game.

  2. I wonder if it’s a record for the most innings for a pitcher that didn’t start the game in their major league debut? Pretty specific, but would be kind of neat if it was.

  3. It was a nice outing. Couple of those HRs were on good pitches. He gave us innings which is important.

  4. That’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile. Andy Van Hekken whitecap legend lol.

  5. I see no reason not to give him at least one more start. Chad innings eater

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