Matthew Judson’s honest thoughts on Patriots fans. “I f**k with y’all. Y’all just been so spoiled from winning — consistently winning —- that y’all don’t dislike the other team. Y’all dislike our team cause we losing..”

FULL QUOTE Matthew Judon’s honest thoughts on #Patriots fans:

“… I f**k with y’all. Y’all just been so spoiled from winning — consistently winning — that y’all don’t dislike the other team. Y’all dislike our team cause we losing… y’all just used to beating them other players and still enjoying seeing them. […]

I think the only two teams that the fans have a genuine dislike for is the Buffalo Bills and Miami (Dolphins)… they don’t dislike the Jets — y’all beat the Jets for thirty straight years.”

  1. Ironically I really don’t give a shit about the Bills or Dolphins, but hate the goddamn Jets

  2. Miami and Jet fans are alright. They have a grip on reality.

    Buffalo fans are delusional assholes. And they make it personal.

  3. I’m tired of hearing this man talk. You’re here to play football. Try fucking do that once

  4. I’m over this guy. Talks an awful lot for a dude who can’t make it through a year.

    Yes, we demand winning here. There’s a higher bar in this town. Get with it or get out.

  5. Ravens. I hate the Ravens most, followed by the Colts, and Steelers. No fan of the Giants either.

  6. He has a point, the past 3 SBs all had a decent number of people saying “it’s over the dynasty is dead”. Even this past season so many of you gave up on the season after that first game and they played well that game

  7. At some point in the future they are going to be able to study how this man went from fan favorite to villain in record time.

  8. No I’m pretty sure we hate a lot of teams

    Also, I think one thing I’ve learned growing up around Boston sports is teams don’t win just all willy nilly. Winning is a character trait you have to learn to have and work hard at. With all of our championships guys didn’t just show up and were given a trophy. How often do you see guys hold out on championship teams?

    The more and more I’ve thought about Judon…is he actually a guy that knows how to win? He talks a really big game for a guy that hasn’t amounted for a whole lot of team success in his career. And also, how many big time plays has he made in critical games? Dude gets a ton of sacks in the first third of the year then trails off. I want a guy that just shows up, works hard, and earns his spot. I don’t know what comes of Judon’s future, but if he’s not on the team its a step down in talent but I’m not going to cry about it

  9. Judon doesn’t come across as a dick in this interview. Watch the linked video. He’s sort of right.

  10. people in this thread that don’t understand what i fuck with yall means. 😂

  11. Tbh out of the 3 teams I wanted to take over the division when we fell off it was Bills. I was actually happy for them until Sean McDouchemett started running his mouth and ran up the score in that Monday night massacre by going for it on 4th down when they already had the game won. We never did any bush league shit like that when we blew them out. Then Josh Allen is such a bitch.

    The Dolphins pissed me off cause we could never beat those fucks in Miami even with Tom. Now Tua is invincible against us. Although my hate for the Dolphins should be respect it extends because I’m also a Celtics fan and I can’t stand the Jimmy Butler and the Heat.

    I will never forgive the Jets for that Divisional Playoff game. If we won, the championship game would’ve been in New England against the Steelers…. nuff said. If we beat Arron Rodgers then that’s ammo for any bs Brady vs Rodgers debates from 2011-2020.

  12. Yeah I’m not disagreeing with his point of view for a lot of fans but I’ve been behind the Pats since the 1970s no hate involved (other than Kiam Berry the Sullivans at times and a few former players trying to make a new career shitting on Belichick)

    I’ll never dislike the team as long as they try.

  13. He’s speaking facts I’ve been saying it for years. We are spoiled as a whole with every sport. Y’all straight bully dudes on social media after games. (I don’t but find it funny)

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