1. There’s hoodie melo, Olympics melo. Too bad there’s no Knicks melo to be found when it matters the most

  2. We just don’t appreciate St Melo like we should. Closest thing to Clyde in my long life.

  3. 16 shots in 14 minutes is absurd. Not even Allen iverson ever put up those numbers and I’m sure melo was playing with studs on this team

  4. These jerseys are FIRE

    Really makes the dark grey ones this Olympics look like garbage, WTF is up with our 2024 jerseys???

  5. I literally just said “is that real?” out loud reading those stats. I knew he balled out, but 37 in 14 minutes???

  6. Regardless of how unhealthy he might’ve been for the Knicks, he will always be the greatest Olympic scorer to me. One of my favorites

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