Trevor Linden high school year book photo

My family lived in Medicine Hat in the 60s to 80s and some cousins went to high school with the old Captain. Found his photo in one of their year books.

  1. I’d say he pretty much nailed the “have a good career with the Canucks” part.

  2. What are Old Pals, Old Pals Cousins and O.M.B? They sound like code words for items not suitable for print.

  3. Was he already drafted by Vancouver when this was taken? I’d have imagined it’ll say something like “a good NHL career”. It’s pretty wild it already mentions the Canucks 😆

  4. Wild times. He actually attended high school? as a hockey player? Times sure were different.

  5. A sportsbar in the lower mainland named “Linden’s” would make so much money

  6. WHL Tigers still have not brought the Memorial Cup back to Medicine Hat since 36 years ago when he captained them.

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