No Hurricane will ever wear No. 12 again

No Hurricane will ever wear No. 12 again

  1. Seeing him and Ward try to carry the team to relevance and a playoff berth during the Decade Drought was so heartbreaking to watch. Even though they got that cup in 2006, I really wish we were able to surround them with more pieces and it’s a shame that our success came after they both departed. Happy Trails Captain Eric

  2. Dude deserves it. He caught a lot of shit towards the end of his time here. Definitely grabbing tickets to that game

  3. A little surprised since it’s been this long that he didn’t consider doing this when Staal is done in the next 12-24 months but, happy to see it nonetheless.

    He leads our franchise in games played by a hurricane with his brother not far behind. He has a ton of our offensive records and no player has yet broken his points in a season record.

    The staal foundation still to this day is contributing to the community and his brother carried the torch after he left.

    What Eric did for this franchise over his career can not be overstated and we should be lucky to have been able to finally get back to the levels of popularity in the community that he once set the bar for.

  4. Was the first player I got a jersey for as a kid, absolutely massive fan of him for years. Nothing but love for how he played for the canes.

  5. As a player he deserved it, went through our dark years. But dude was sus AF in Florida though as a person. Maybe Jordo can talk some sense into public relations into him lol.

  6. Prime Eric Staal was the best Hurricane I’ve ever seen. I wish they could have scooped him back up in the late 2010s when Eric was still surprisingly productive

  7. This is great but I’ll die on the hill that #30 should be up there too. If 12 is going 30 should be too

  8. It’s so hard to separate his career from how poorly run this franchise was through his entire prime basically. He started off with a bang, led us to the highest of highs, and battled through so much.

    Karmanos first and foremost, but also GMJR and Paul Maurice managed things horribly and put together some terrible rosters and saddled Eric with carrying them. Hard to separate my memories of him as a player with the contrast of how sorry the team was then compared to now, but i’m glad for the good times to celebrate and remember

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