[Vincent Bonsignore (@VinnyBonsignore) on X] Richie Incognito spoke to the @Raiders offensive line last night ahead of the pass coming on. Antonio Pierce expects that group to get after it today

[Vincent Bonsignore (@VinnyBonsignore) on X] Richie Incognito spoke to the @Raiders offensive line last night ahead of the pass coming on. Antonio Pierce expects that group to get after it today

  1. Glad for Richie to pump them up. But this what also concerns me with OL – no leadership. Kolton, James and Parham all quiet guys. JPJ is just a rook who can hopefully stay out of hot tub and Munford just trying to hold down a job. If all healthy, I believe line can be solid, but not sure who steps up in adverse times

  2. I have a new respect and love for RI after that podcast with Max. What a dude!

  3. Glad the dude got the mental help he needed.

    Its crazy to think about. I used to listen to LeBatard regularly back when the bully story broke, now 10-12 years later the guy is a quasi-coach for us after a couple good seasons.

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