Jeffery Simmons yells at Buck Reising while he was live on air getting ready to interview Roger McCreary

Jeffery Simmons yells at Buck Reising while he was live on air getting ready to interview Roger McCreary

  1. Is Buck really the guy to yell at if Jeff is pissed about social media shit? I don’t remember many hot takes from Buck, maybe I missed something.

  2. Honestly don’t know what else to say besides this was pretty weird from Jeff. Buck isn’t PK or some purposeful inflammatory guy

    Hopefully this is a wake up call that he may be too invested in social media stuff and this is the end of whatever this is

  3. Jeff does lack respect, especially in this situation. Some say he is even worse in the field with being dirty. But damn, during the summer they try and make big stories or drama out of nothing. Jeff seems over the PK/social media shit and just want to work and talk about actual football.

  4. Lmao how did he see the tweet so fast if the practice just ended.

    Terrible look for him as the captain of the team and pretty much the face of it

  5. I know the move is defend the player. However Buck holds more team water than almost any local beat reporter. Seems like the leadership role is getting to Big Jeff. Maybe he can’t handle the responsibility.

  6. Should be a reminder to us all that too much social media turns you into an asshole.

  7. Jeff: “Talk to me instead of talking about me on social media.”

    Buck: “We can talk right now if you want.”

    Jeff: “I don’t want to talk to you.”


  8. A shocking PR failure from the supposed leader of the defense. This screams “leadership vacuum” on defense. We desperately need one of the free agents to establish themselves as a leader.

  9. Media member talks shit and gets called out

    I’m failing to see how this is a big deal

  10. I really can’t stand Buck… but Jeff is such a fuckin baby. IT’S THE MEDIAS JOB TO CRITIQUE AND QUESTION YOU. Jesus what a immature baby boy Jeff is

  11. Jeff is embarassing himself, it’s these dudes jobs to report on the team, if it bothers him that they aren’t blowing smoke up his ass 100% of the time he needs to stay off twitter. This is not how a leader behaves

  12. Man, some of these guys should really be glad that they’re in Nashville with a charmin soft media that is rarely aggressive or overly critical. If they’re getting their feelings hurt by Buck or PK they may go on a murder spree if they played on the East Coast or for a team that actually gets national media attention.

  13. I’m usually on the side of the players with this stuff but buck didn’t say anything awful about Jeff. Weird to act like that

  14. Buck called Jeff out on twitter for fighting with JC. I don’t think buck was wrong. I wound expect better from Jeff since he’s a leader on the team.

    Unpopular opinion if Jeff doesn’t play the entire season this year I think we should maybe trade him.

  15. Buck is straight up and isn’t sensational. He’s not PK, Jared, or the tictac dork who jerks off the hating on Sweat. What could he have possibly of said to trigger Jeff like this? Lmao

  16. Jeff has said many times he is a leader of this team but I don’t really ever get that vibe from him. Love his play, but he gets hot headed way too often and it costs us ejections and penalties. Hoping to see some more maturity on the field this year but looks like it’s not off to a great start lol

  17. Jeffrey Simmons overreacting? I’m sure that’s never happened before…on camera…in public

  18. what Jeff is saying is that Buck talks shit on social media instead of to players faces. Buck is offering to let Jeff speak but Jeff has nothing to say. He’s telling buck to say whatever it is he’s been saying on twitter, to him now. It sounds like a contradiction but it does make sense. Also. When it comes to buck and PK, I couldn’t care less about players talking shit to them. Now if it was Turon or Teresa. I’d be bothered. Buck? Eh. Go get em 😂

  19. No problem whatsoever, people in the media have created hot take commentary for clicks and are way too comfortable saying derogatory things about players without repercussions, and often times in can stick even when it’s not true. They just put a half apology out there and move on.

  20. Training camp be like that.
    Big Jeff should know better
    Buck shouldn’t have engaged him back either

  21. As someone who can’t stand Buck, I support Big Jeff entirely. No context needed. 😂

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