[Up and Adams Show] DeVonta Smith: “Why would I sign somewhere else?.. They’ve believed in me from Day 1. There’s a lot of love in this city, lot of love in this building. I love the coaches. I love everyone in this building. Why would I go somewhere else?”

[Up and Adams Show] DeVonta Smith: “Why would I sign somewhere else?.. They’ve believed in me from Day 1. There’s a lot of love in this city, lot of love in this building. I love the coaches. I love everyone in this building. Why would I go somewhere else?”

  1. For once in my life, I truly feel like we have drafted the best WR this franchise has ever seen. I know it’s early in his career, I know it’s a business and things can change in three years, but I have always felt this way since we drafted him. He is perfect.

  2. More athletes should have this attitude. Too many guys just take the highest bidder, then end up in bad situations. Not factoring in the fit, the coaches, the city, lots of other intangibles.

  3. Remember when gnats fans were coping by saying he didn’t want to come here right before they selected their franchise WR

  4. I love when our guys say things like this, really solidifies my love for them! But let’s be real, no fan base in the league would turn their noses up at an opportunity to get a guy like DeVonta. He seems like the type of player that will still be dazzling people, well into his 30’s.

  5. Shows you how great our FO is compared to others. If players feel taken care of, everything will take care of itself. Thankful we don’t have an Aiyuk situation on our hands right now

  6. My favorite player on the team now that Kelce and fletch are gone. Just shows up every week ready to ball and doesn’t create any drama

  7. This why Devonta is my favorite player on this team…outside of his skills which I think are vastly underrated by almost everyone…he is just an awesome person…I will do what I can to show my support for him forever…loyalty is rare and should be encouraged and rewarded…

  8. Toughest Eagle on the roster. Even when shit is going bad, Devonta is always still punching back like Rocky. When we’re all mad as shit at everybody for playing like ass, it’s always Devonta still showing life making a play even when the game is out of reach. Philly shit. He’s stamped forever here

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