Lively is going to FEAST off Klay’s gravity and passing

Lively is going to FEAST off Klay’s gravity and passing

Lively is going to FEAST off Klay's gravity and passing
byu/BalanceCandid5179 inMavericks

  1. While Lively had a great rookie season, and showed his ability to be a good playmaker in the short roll, the next evolution of his game will be scoring when he’s not directly under the basket. Thankfully, with Klay’s gravity, he should get more opportunities to score on these rolls, which will benefit his development. While a pick-and-pop game would be fun to see, I wouldn’t get too excited because they likely won’t run that many. Baby steps.

    Klay’s always been a pretty underrated playmaker. He’s very skilled in throwing passes coming off off-ball screens, and with the rim-running rookie Trayce-Jackson Davis he was able to rack up some nice assists. Now imagine Lively or Gafford on these rolls. Someone is getting murdered next year lol.

  2. I’m a huge klay fan (literally my favourite player) but you should also show his passing lowlights lol

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