[Woj] Free agent guard Devonte’ Graham has agreed on a one-year deal with the Portland Trail Blazers

[Woj] Free agent guard Devonte’ Graham has agreed on a one-year deal with the Portland Trail Blazers

  1. Pretty good if it’s a min I suppose, can’t say I know that terribly much about him

  2. One of the worst defenders in basketball who shot 35% from the field last year…why?

  3. I’m guessing we’re bringing him on as an end-of-bench veteran presence after Brogdon’s departure. Not sure how much playing time he’ll get with how we’re presently constructed

  4. i’ve always irrationally liked Devonte Graham so this is a big day for me

  5. Two immediate thoughts are why and whose spot is he taking? We have a full roster.

  6. i guess they’re cutting blanton even though they just guaranteed his deal? otherwise this makes no sense

  7. Ugh should have been Kennedy Chandler that dude was balling out and perfect as our last two way guy

  8. It’s a one year deal, i guess they just wanted someone who’s been on a pro team before.

  9. It feels like a camp deal but possibly another end-of-bench guard if Ant is moved for a wing or big.

  10. What are we doing here folks. Don’t need another short PG, even if Ant gets moved. Would much rather Banton be the backup for both short term tank purposes and long term upside.

  11. I’m refusing to hear anything negative cause I’m from Kansas and a lifelong Jayhawk fan 😂


  12. what the actual fuck. neither team he’s been on the past 2 years has wanted him

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