Championship Mentality

This is exactly what we need to hear from Joel. He knows that MVP awards or scoring streaks are over. His focus is staying healthy for a postseason and making his teammates better

This is why we trusted the process

  1. Anything that makes it more likely for him to get to the playoffs healthy I’m all for.

    It seems like he has the perfect mentality going into the season, hopefully it works out for us.

  2. ☑️ empower teammates

    ☑️ tyrese takes another leap

    ☑️ still dominate


  3. He’s going to be the leading MVP candidate whether you like it or not. He’s the best player in the league and the Sixers are their best when Joel is scoring a lot.

  4. He shouldnt start playing until 1/1, and only once a week from then till like mid-March.

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