Why there’s WILD variance in judging Houston Astros trade deadline moves

Why there’s WILD variance in judging Houston Astros trade deadline moves

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  1. To judge Loperpido on a small sample size. With very erratic playing time being bounced back and forth from the miners is just beyond idiotic and short-sighted. Can we not remember when bregman was a rookie? He looked like he was completely lost and he got consistent playing time. And if you guys really like to think about through the history of the Astros how many players we gave up on, that turned out to be very good. You would understand why the fans are the way they are. So we're not overreacting. We just feel like history is repeating itself. These were not smart trades. These were desperate trades. Will these trades totally Doom the team? No it's continual trades like this that Doom a team. Yes, the fans would have lost their minds if they did nothing. But the part of a franchise is to look at health of the franchise for longevity. So if anybody delusional and overly emotional. It's John. Time to get that boy. Some meds called the dose of reality of what really is going on

  2. It's easy to whine about how "we should've gotten more". Charlie gets it. In reality we got the best we could afford without totally mortgaging the farm. And Kikuchi is a legit upgrade in the back of our rotation.

  3. This one is so simple, you don't want to be on the receiving end of a pitching trade with James friggin CLICK! If anyone on Earth should understand that, it's the Astros! They probably just want his velo because when Garcia comes back they plan on him pitching out of the bullpen. But there's no 2 ways about it, this is a shit trade and Dana Brown has not made a single positive trade for the Astros!

  4. I don't even have a major issue with the player, Kikuchi, though I feel as they stated there were better or similar options. My issue is giving up Bloss in that deal. I don't care about the other guys, but if you're going to give up something to get something, then that something you're getting better be worth it. I just don't think it will be. And I'm sure Click enjoyed making that trade. Bless him I wish he were still the Astros' GM, however I'm glad for him he doesn't have to deal with Jim Crane and Jeff Bagwell because I don't even wish that on Dana Brown.

  5. Totally understand and agree with Josh’s perspective!! Trading three young quality players for a 2 month rental is idiotic!! I hope Loperfido goes out and have a solid career and make Charlie eat his own words!!

  6. The Astros have so much "dead money" on their payroll currently and have offensive holes at 1B, outfield and maybe 3B next year along with limited minor league talent. They have 2 options moving forward. 1. Try to buy championships over the next 3 years or 2..Unload Tucker, Yordan & Framber for a boatload of draftpicks and start another rebuild.

  7. I do like them bringing up this group's past failures. Honestly I think that's another issue fans have with this deal. We've seen what this group can do and almost none of their decisions have been good. They won and were really good by building a farm system and having controlable stars. They don't have that anymore.

  8. With the moves they made, in essence they didn't make any moves that made this team any better to compete at a better level thin they are now. This GM's moves have proven to make this team worse if anything, from free agent signings and trade deals.

  9. Josh Jordan with a Know Your Gear t-shirt on. Love Phil McKnight.

    Anyways, the Kikuci trade was bad. The upgrade is tiny compared Arreghetti. Just shows the Astros are failing due to lack of planning. They need to do more in the off season.

  10. Charlie: your take here could not be MORE wrong. Very simply, the Astros would have been better off doing nothing, and all they would have had to say was that this would have been the price to land a terrible starting pitcher and NO ONE in Houston would have complained. Trying to justify this deal makes me question your expertise, and Josh's facial reactions while you were running your mouth here said volumes. Only time will tell of course…..and certainly you are not the man that actually MADE the trade……but come on man. Call it what it actually is. That is why people listen to you guys.

  11. Brown already has allowed 7 hits ,1 walk, and 3 runs in only two innings in today's ( Tuesdays) game. He's Framber #2 ( no reliability) …..so getting Kukuchi was good.

  12. Yeah so far the trades have worked out fairly well for us but these free Agent acquisitions have absolutely killed us..

    Whoever's making the decisions needs to be fired

  13. Plus all the things these guys are saying, our pitching coaches have a GREAT history of making minor changes and ERA going down. We got exactly what we needed. Good trade deadline. Fans just want big names. If we start hitting and JV, KT and LG come off the injured list…. league watch out

  14. Pressured trades!!! Dana Brown was afraid of being told he couldnt get it done. So instead, the fool MAKEs ANOTHER dumb trade. Loperfido…speed, defense, young, and given more time!!! WTF

  15. Crane didn't have the sack to keep Luhnow who was responsible for building the Astros organization. MLB was probably threatening to pull the WS title, but that would have been unprecedented, especially given the ubiquity of cheating going on throughout the league. Crane probably lucked out when he brought Click on board, but Click probably didn't command the respect from Crane that Luhnow did, so he didn't last. It's clear to me that Crane suffers from a raging case of hubris and the Astros are paying the price. Bad contracts and bad farm system equals total rebuild in the near future. Problem is, who's going to be around to do the rebuilding?

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