PK (Unlocked): Titans’ Brass Needs To Give Jeffery Simmons Some Tough Love

PK (Unlocked): Titans’ Brass Needs To Give Jeffery Simmons Some Tough Love

  1. > First, Jeffery Simmons, if you’re reading this, please stop. Please close it. It’s not going to do you or me or your public image that’s fizzling with a portion of the fan base a bit of good for you to read on.


  2. Pk has been talking shit about him in his last couple yt lives for missing games the last 2 seasons

  3. Good read. People are right, Big Jeff has a top 5 contract which demands excellent play. He has spent too much time since the contract only playing well.

  4. I agree completely here, especially with the part where Simmons has somehow been conditioned to think that the media is supposed to be some sort of unwavering cheerleader for the team when they have won 13 games over the last two seasons.

    You would never see this type of reaction from past leaders on the team. While I’d normally shrug off a training camp fight, it’s borderline unacceptable for the main leader on defense to get into two separate fights in one day with a rookie. Dude’s roid raging with whatever shit Arden Key and Denico Autry were pumping into their system.

    (I say that last line *mostly* joking…)

  5. If his continues to not live up to his contract this season, the titans should explore trading him in the offseason. If Leviq proves he’s guy then we will quickly need to pay him and we can’t afford players on over priced deals.

  6. Well said Paul. Jeff definitely needs to reflect on where this misguided anger is coming from. Today was embarrassing for him. But he needs to understand that the job of the media is not to hype up the team and organization. It’s to give the straight facts to the fans who don’t get to see all of the behind the scenes stuff. As long as the media members are not attacking the player on a personal level, everything on the field is fair game. Jeff needs to get over the fact that sometimes when we need him the most, he disappears. Just take the criticism and make yourself better. That’s the sign of good leadership.

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