Dear Veach: Sign Simmons

Is my hatred of the Donkeys so great that I want is to sign him just because it would bother their fanbase?

Yes. Yes it is.

I also think it makes football sense.

  1. There’s no reason this should be removed. I think Simmons would be a great signing and the article spells it out perfectly. And I thought I was the only fan that wanted this to happen, partially because I can’t stand the Donkeys. I’m curious what other fans think.

  2. For those wondering the logic.

    If the price is reasonable you sign him to get better depth at safety especially with Reid out now. You also sign him to keep him off a fellow contender.

    That makes it worth it

  3. I think the Chiefs would be happy to sign him, but I don’t think we’ll be able to offer him the same amount as other teams. He’s 30, so he may just want to make that last bit of NFL cash while he can.

    Usually, Veach is aggressive about filling a need and I think picking up Simmons would just be a bonus to the roster. I don’t see this happening.

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