/r/clevelandcavs data for the past season

I thought some here might be interested in some of the data available to the mods


  • Link to an image of the overview
  • We gained over 50k subs last year!
  • Our sub growth was up 60% from last year!
  • Only 2k people unsubbed, this is really low when compared to the growth, a great sign of a very healthy sub

Sub membership over the years

  • Link to an image of annual membership
  • this chart needs a diff X axis for the changes to be more visible
  • the main take-a-way is the sub has more members than at any point when LBJ was here

Device Breakdown

  • Link to an image of the device breakdown (for July 24)
  • Did you know old reddit and new reddit require separate updates? We see that both are used and we work to keep both updated (diff sidebars, images, user flairs…etc)
  • The most visited device is the iOS app

Hope you enjoyed a little peek behind the curtain

Thanks to all of you who make this a great place to discuss cavs and the nba

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