Leitch and MLB ranks the Royals as one of the winners at the deadline.

Leitch and MLB ranks the Royals as one of the winners at the deadline.

  1. “The Royals aren’t going anywhere, not now, and not for a long time.”


  2. JJ cooked. It was a sellers market so the trade costs were high. JJ made the team better without overpaying like a lot of other teams. The only prospect I was kind of bummed about losing pennington.

  3. “Raising the floor and the ceiling” sounds like a good way to put our deals. We didn’t make any headline trades the way that other teams like the Dodgers do but I don’t think we really should have done that anyway.

    We’ve made some marginal improvements without sapping our not very good farm system (other than perhaps Barnett) which is about as good of an outcome as we can hope for.

    Our odds of making it to the playoffs increased without sacrificing key pieces of our future success. Very good stuff from JJ this year.

  4. JJ did exactly what he did in the off-season at the deadline and I’m all for it. Just make the team incrementally better, shore up your weaknesses with at or slightly above replacement level players, and take a chance on a toolsy pitcher with great stuff

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