Where Will Patrik Laine End Up? | SDP

Where Will Patrik Laine End Up? | SDP

Patrick lion has been cleared and he is ready to come back teams have been given permission to speak to his agent uh to try to work out a contract deal not a contract excuse me a trade because he’s got two years left on his deal uh with the Columbus Blue Jackets but they’ll obviously want to speak to him first um it feels like he’ll start the year with Columbus doesn’t it at this point well I mean what we’re seeing by the complete lack of signings and the fact that any signings we are seeing are either under a million dollars or not an NHL contract um it just feels impossible to for a team to acquire this player without sending something large back um in terms of salary I’ve I’ve seen some Habs fans getting all hot and bothered about the idea of like line a for Josh Anderson um I think if Josh Anderson has any say he would probably BL a trade back to Columbus and he probably does have day I don’t know ban haded those out like candy well and I mean he had a seven-year deal right like maybe the no trade is his bloody contract um uh it’s it’s difficult to see uh a team having the wiggle room to include a guy like L uh in a way that makes any sense like could teams do it yeah there are teams with space but I I think there’s a lot of internal budgets and um you know you also like you look at a team like the Ducks it’s like well the Ducks could yeah but they’re not winning so they have an internal budget well and you also just Lon is fascinating and this has been the case since like two or three years into his career you have no idea what you’re getting ever are you are you gonna get a guy who’s going to score no goals this month are you going to get a guy who scores 20 goals this month the answer is often yes like he he’s just he’s one of the streakiest players going where his his shot is just a touch of God or completely useless it might be best for um for him with a new coach and a new outlook from top down in Columbus uh don woodell doesn’t mess around I’m a big fan of that guy maybe his new team is Columbus I that’s what I was going to say put him put him with Johnny Hockey put a a capable Center in between the two of them and make something happen stop screwing around with this L at Center oh no he’s L is not going to be a center no no he’s not a center I put Ken Johnson in there call it a day um another headline is has to do with the coyotes but it’s good are you ready now one of the things that we’ve talked about on this show plenty of times is the Suns have a great owner Matt ishia who took over from the last guy who created a brutal working culture there and it was so bad the NBA owners forced him out mat ispia uh uh took over he sent out you could sign up for an antenna so you can get local Suns games to your house this guy is intent on building Sports in Arizona and here’s what he said in the Phoenix Mercury sorry not in the Phoenix Mercury that’s the team yeah WBA team what is the what is the I I can’t remember the public The Gazette The Gazette Phoenix Suns and the WNBA and the WNBA Phoenix as soon as I said that I was like oh okay uh and he also talked to sportico that’s where this one comes from he said he would be interested in bringing an NHL team back to Arizona he said I’m definitely going to be a part of the community and if I can help bring hockey back I’ll look at that it’s definitely something I’m interested in it’s a four sport town I’m disappointed we don’t have a hockey team but I understand what happened and we’re going to try to fix that one day and what’s interesting about that quote is that if you’d asked him two years ago he said not interested not getting involved it was the owner I think it was always the owner and here we go now they can begin to heal I I think I wouldn’t be surprised if the next two expansions are Phoenix and Atlanta Atlanta seems to be the closest they got two or three groups that are involved there uh you get Phoenix Atlanta and you got to do Houston at some point too yeah they already got like the rink and everything right where the Rockets play I assume they that could be converted I don’t know if there’s ice in it yet but the Arena’s there you know and it’s such a big Market you have to get you got to get Texas I feel horrible for Coyote’s fans but like I I guess starting from complete scratch is just what they had to do yeah I like this I I think this guy is the guy and he also listen mishby is not stupid uh if he owns the coyotes uh uh the NBA and the WNBA teams uh you become pretty successful the mayor well yeah I mean you look at this the the power that mlsc has in Toronto like all sponsorships and everything flows through them it’s why Mega corporations like Rogers and Bell bought it there’s so much money and so much cache with owning that this guy is setting himself up and I bet the NHL’s already on his doorstep going let’s let’s do this let’s work out the fee and let’s make it happen do you live in the greater Phoenix area are you looking to have a night out give me money like that’s basically OD are you have to give him money yeah unless you’re going to a club and he might own that too I don’t know he made his money somehow wasn’t in Pro Sports I don’t know so yeah anyway mortgages I believe what is it mortgage mortgages oh there you go he owns your house yeah no no he owns the mortgage on your house oh he just makes money on your payments it’s easy poor own houses riches own mortgages that’s right got it that’s right that’s right it’s like you don’t buy the Tesla you buy the Tesla stock or you used to now you don’t buy the Tesla stock you don’t buy the Tesla stock now it’s Nvidia it’s not going well Nvidia yeah they’re aren’t they the number one stock in last last year or something yes they are I don’t I don’t know what they do but I’ve seen it on Tik Tok it’s computers uh okay good for them Gus lastly um Dean everon again who has uh laser eyes just like uh Bill zto uh the Columbus Blue Jackets open their season against producer Hayden’s Minnesota Wild fun Dean Evon finally came out and was honest and and said what everybody already knew which is uh he said when ex coaches go in and say this game means nothing to me that’s such bull yeah you said bull cuz it means something yeah so look for the Columbus Blue Jackets to get fired up this I just loved that a lot and was really happy he said that cuz me too all of a sudden made me fired up for Minnesota Columbus which I haven’t been since expansion for both of them Andre brette played for both teams yeah yeah like no no no like them separately sure yeah together at the same time no um Marty St Louie also uh jumped into the headlines this past week and he said he was talking about um how Steven stamp Co you know what leaving Tampa was like in signing in in in Nashville and he said he’s going to look back on his career and I think he’s going to be happy that he experienced something else that is really interesting because you you never hear that you always hear the cautionary tale um grass isn’t always greener but in this case stepen liked the grass that he had the grass just didn’t like him back it’s this isn’t a case of like uh oh I got a year or two left this is this is a player who has an abundance of hockey left he got game yeah and I it’s interesting because both he and St Louie left Tampa at similar spots in their career what everyone forgets about uh St Louis is he was coming off an art Ross trophy from the lockout shorton season then was left off the Canadian Olympic team by his own GM and uh asks for a trade goes to the Rangers and ends up going to the final the next year Tampa went to the final too by the way like both teams did pretty well people forget that um it’s can I ask a question it’s it this isn’t alfredson this isn’t madano this is a player who had a lot of time left so I I don’t blame St Louis for saying that I know brezis has won a bunch of Cups M and I know he was a part of the Management Group under Steve Eiserman that built those teams but as a the general manager you know we said Stan Bowman inherited a a Lamborghini with the engine on so did Julian brewell oh sure yeah but he perfected it and made it the champion he did he did and he kept it going he did now my question with Julian breea is is this Stam Coast move a a real career like there’s certain moves that you make as a general manager that make or break your career is this decision one of them no that it would break it but maybe his time in Tampa comes to an unceremonious end and then he works somewhere else or is this just a move along the way in you look at the three trips to The Cup Final the two rings that he has and he probably just sticks them up and he shows you them in in the camera and he says look at that that that’s my legacy right there and I’m trying to extend that by this move with with stamp ghost and I’m being heartless here because I think I can get maybe another cup a couple more cups so I think Breeze Legacy is kind of cemented with that and that we give him the credit for building this team uh and making it what it is and that this is just a casualty of his hardn gming I don’t know if you guys I I you know what I I think I think that this story goes away as soon as the puck drops does that make sense like I am going to be following St St all the way through Nashville when Nashville and Tampa play that’ll be interesting or whatever people are going to be if Nashville’s hot and Tampa’s stupid or terrible and everyone’s going to be calm I’m stupid I think it go I think you have to go more than that if stamp Co is scoring and Tampa’s not right also fair and like we know is a good team what you know like what’s gensel going to do in Tampa you know if he doesn’t show up then you’re like stampo probably should have still been there cuz we forget like see remember when he was sign he signed in Nashville and I was like stamp go scored 40 goals and at 41 assists and you were like what you know we we forgot that Stam G had an amazing last season Phil kessle and Tyler say again were compared to each other forever because of that Leafs Bruins trade this wasn’t a trade but little bit they made the swap that’s the reason they don’t want stos anymore cuz they got gensel yep you’re absolutely right younger andil are absolutely going to be compared their length forever now yeah yeah all Adam I I think that’s going to be micro analyzed yeah 100% okay well this will be fun then oh yeah I like it okay should we do a quick press conference sure all right let’s do it the pressor S DP the Steve dangle press conference I have for you nepo baby talk oh yeah let go because I did some digging and the one team that really stands out to me with the amount of nepo babies and maybe we got a line out of it last season oh is is the Chicago Blackhawks now they just signed Tyler bzi so he doesn’t count but this upcoming season this upcoming season Tyler batui will add to the nepple baby tally of the Blackhawks let’s go through the other members of the Blackhawks who are now who are currently nepo babies okay we’ll start with uh Philip CEF who is the son of former Russian hockey player Constantine Constantine yeah Constantine kirev who played in the KHL I didn’t play in the NHL you’re not counting it no all right played Pro but he didn’t play NHL let’s move move over to Mr Nick Felino yes that was the uh son of Mike Felino who played a long time for the uh Buffalo Sabers okay so we have a neppo baby there TR may do you count this one okay Connor Bard little known nepple baby Connor Bard’s great great great great uncle James Bard played 22 games for the Blackhawk no way between 1949 and 195 I had never heard that how come no one’s not a story on James Bard James Bard played his great great uncle that’s cool if somebody comes out with a story about James Bard by the way I know you’re a listener of this show cuz sometimes we do things I’m like I feel like I feel like that wasn’t brought up and then so and so is doing a story on Jimmy BS James Bard so never heard of that Conor Bard it basically if you go through every NHL player there’s some sort of athlete in their family you know but um next up we’ll go to Lucas reel whose father is Martin reel who played uh in the cck league Oh Oh I thought you were gonna say Robert Robert Robert reel he uh Lucas reel’s the nephew of Robert reel so there’s two connections there in neple baby land of the rle W yeah I think that’s better than kirev because at least Robert played right if we’re going to count Tyler or we’re not going to count Tyler I don’t know if we can count so there you go with the forward group of the Black Ox who have some sort of nepp nepo baby connection I didn’t I didn’t do the defense but the four group there you go that’s good man that’s a good a good digging I don’t know if there’s a combination of like a Reichel Bard kirev line that played last season but that would have counted as a like all hockey pro hockey player neppo baby line yeah if that was a line maybe did berzi oh yeah we already talked about berzi with DOI and neander yeah yeah interesting wow

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake discuss the report that Columbus Blue Jackets forward Patrik Laine has been given permission to seek a trade.

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  1. I think bigger topic with Laine is how great it is that he's better, mental health is delicate thing and nothing is more important than NHL getting a healthier Laine back.

  2. I was pretty sure they only talked about Laine for about 2 minutes in the podcast and so they did, why is this video over 14 minutes long?

  3. Hello I'm Nobody Important in Hamilton. People recovering from addiction to alcohol or drugs must spend the rest of their lives aware that they cannot drink or drug today. Those who make it through each day become fantastic sensible sympathetic unselfish people. Those that still drink or drug are generally speaking, selfish assholes.

  4. I doubt the Jackets send Laine to a team in the eastern conference. I think they will most likely keep him until he re-establishes his trade value. His trade value won't go any lower, but it can go higher. If and when he is moved, I would think his probable destinations would be Utah or Anaheim. The whole notion that he's on his way to Toronto or Montreal is a creation of the Canadian hockey media. It's certain sportswriters throwing ideas out there they hope will stick that gets Laine traded to their favorite team for a bag of doughnuts.

  5. Here is my optimum "spend to the cap" suggestion. I'm Nobody Important in Hamilton.
    I'd love to hear what you think.
    30 Million Top 6 forwards

    10 Million Bottom 6 forwards

    20 Million Top 4 defencemen

    12 Million Bottom 3 defencemen

    8 Million 2 Goaltenders

    3 Million Goon, healthy scratch roster, AHL callups

    80 + 3 total

  6. Laine to Toronto!!

    He seems to get his motor revved up around Austin Matthews I think if he was on Toronto he and Austin would have a rivalry and push each other

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