(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Phillies 2024 Season – 7/31

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Phillies 2024 Season – 7/31

  1. 5 series losses in a row, this one a clean sweep.

    Time to draw a line in the sand and move past this and start picking up some W’s from Seattle.

    LFG Phillies!!

  2. Well, silver linings, it’s our first sweep loss this season. Maybe this will wake them up, maybe it won’t. Let it sink in for them the rest of the day today and travel day tomorrow

  3. I don’t know if this will be every player’s instinct or if Thomson/vets will have to impose it, but I think August 1, 2024 is a perfect day for the team to think as little about baseball as possible. Go outside, watch butterflies, grab a nice meal and a drink, party, read a cheesy romance novel, paint a shed, whatever. If I’m in charge I’m giving them (read: forcing them to take) a true day off (which may be one of several hundred reasons why I’m not in charge).

  4. Since July 13th, Phillips is the only starting pitcher to earn a win. Dang.

    Thankfully Phillips starts game one in Seattle, which is a great time to stop the bleeding (hopefully!).

  5. Incredibly still on pace for 98 wins. That’s wild. They won’t likely get as hot as early in the year but they won’t play like this all year either.

  6. Since 24 May:

    7 Series Wins

    10 Series Losses

    2 Series Ties

    This team is sliding down an ever-steeper slope.

  7. 10-14 for the Month of July only winning 2 of the 8 series. I’m really glad the month of July is over, and equally thrilled that the Phillies are going on a West Coast trip, I’m not sure my stomach could handle much more of the current situation. I’m not a doom and gloomer, and actually think sometimes it’s not just the players or the managers, there is some portion of luck at play. I do believe things will turn around and I’m hopeful that we are getting all the poor game play, manger mishaps, and unlucky plays out of the way now.

  8. have won just three out of our last ten. pathetic. hopefully this sweep wakes everyone up.

  9. This was probably more fun to make when it was less red in the boxes.

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