From Steve Van Doren, Vans owner

Should be getting our Vans soon, hopefully.

  1. Man , this sucks. At this point I’m just hoping we get them before summer ends 😔

  2. Ducks should have been more up front. I’m also fascinated with what the difference in cost would be to ship via flights or on a ship. More and more places are shipping on ships

  3. “We offered to fly but they did not want to pay for flying?”

    What’s does that even mean? If you are offering means you are paying for it. They merely suggested it and the manufacturer/seller didn’t want to pay for it, which is fine. But trying to pose it like you’re moving mountains for the customers is misleading.

    Also the correct terminology is “air freight”.

  4. Not really surprised how disorganized this has been. I could tell it was going to be a shit show just being at the arena when they did the initial sale.

  5. This feels like a fail on both parties honestly. He could have said this when it happened, but didn’t. Ducks could have expedited the shoes but didn’t.

    I just want my damn shoes that I paid for.

  6. I ain’t even man. Could see how the arrangements have to be for both parties.

    But knowing the owner of vans speaks Quack! 🦆

    Makes me want to buy some more Van’s!

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