Drew Lock is “inching towards the starting job” in New York


I know this isn't HUGE news, but this is pretty neat.

Lock was kinda discarded by Denver like spoiled leftovers when Wilson got traded. He learned under the previous regime, showed signs of progress in Seattle (obviously not enough to beat out Geno) but his growth was enough that he could edge out the biggest waste of money in the NFL… Daniel Jones.

I almost have to attribute his growth to the previous regime.

Anyway I know it's not a big deal. I'm just kinda happy for the guy.

  1. As soon as he signed there I figured he had a shot at the job where as in Seattle he had no chance.

    Hope he gets it, Jones is expensive booty cheeks.

  2. It’s a shame he isn’t going to have Saquon to take some heat off his back. Hopefully they’ve plugged some resources into the OLine.

    But regardless of outcome, he’s shown he’s a solid back up. if he gets dealt a bad hand he’ll still get chances in the future.

  3. idk know why anyone thought it would be anyone but lock.

    No way they risk Jones getting an injury and having to pay him, even if he was better than Lock, which he isn’t.

  4. Would love to see him succeed, he was a stud for us and provided us with keeping the amazing winning streak against Philly alive

  5. Wow I was pretty certain I was gonna get bitched at for posting this. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is glad for the guy

  6. Awesome for Lock, but honestly a big part of this is because of how bad Daniel Jones has been. His dead cap hit if cut in 2025 is almost a reasonable number so if the Giants get better play from Lock and get him on a cheaper deal, he’s a way better deal for the team.

  7. I was impressed with Lock last season. The Geno stans would talk about him like he was a turnover waiting to happen, but I didn’t think he was exceptionally reckless with the ball. I was shocked the Giants got him so cheap.

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