Paul Pierce says he had a better career then Dwyane Wade, Jalen rose then lists their accolades

Paul Pierce says he had a better career then Dwyane Wade, Jalen rose then lists their accolades

  1. He has slightly better career free throw percentage. Other than that he’s dead wrong and it’s embarrassing.

  2. Celtics sub probably would agree with this, I remember spying in their sub and they were saying that if pierce had bosh and lebron during the big 3 era, he would be just as good/better instead of Wade

  3. One of the greatest sonnings I’ve ever seen. If I was Pierce I would have starting swinging on Jalen even tho he was 100% right 😂😂😂

  4. Paul Pierce is the personification of insecurity. He knows he’s not as good as some guys he talks about, but will make the obviously wrong claim anyway.

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