Wtf is wrong w/ people (most of the responses were not like that; but I just can’t…)

Wtf is wrong w/ people (most of the responses were not like that; but I just can’t…)

  1. Those are not Giants fans. I don’t want to be associated with these sub-human psychopaths.

  2. Sports rivalries are great, but they go only so far. As soon as real life starts happening, that shit needs to go out the door. Fuck those people.

  3. There are miserable people in this world who have no means for processing their anger other than being nasty online. These people should be in therapy, and probably on some meds, but they won’t do either of these things because they’re so far gone.

  4. Yo you have to tell us freeman’s kid is ok I need to know that (fuck those terrible sociopaths who say anything else, he’s a human being)

  5. Sometimes I think this sub can be a cringey doomer zone then I remember the cesspool Twitter or whatever the fuck it’s called now exists

  6. Awful and shameful to be saying those things. The life of someone is bigger than the team you root for and the game being played.

  7. Look at that username for Bay Area Sports Fan 2.0

    Absolutely gross. I don’t think these are real Giants fans, let alone real people. If they are, they shouldn’t be.

    Edit: they shouldn’t be fans. People deserve to be people

  8. There’s always going to be idiots. Every team has them. Best to just tune it out.

  9. Don’t give this shit energy. It’s intentionally offensive. Deliberately trying to piss people off and it worked. Why validate their “technique”?

  10. So sad. I was born and raised to detest the Dodgers. But it was always in the spirit of competition. I would never wish I’ll will on anyone. Even Clayton Kershaw.

  11. These are sad excuses for human beings, wishing that kind of harm is just another example of how society has failed.

  12. The Internet gives you a possible connection to every village idiot. And they tend to promote one another.

    But it’s still 1 idiot per village.

  13. Dear god. Those dudes are just fucken crazy. This is just “internet gives morons a microphone” shit. Whatever

  14. It’s truly the bottom-of-the-barrel people who get sports rivalries mixed up with real hatred. I once saw a drunk woman Giants fan on Caltrain having to be restrained from attacking a young couple who were minding their own business while walking through the the train wearing Dodgers gear after the game.

    Dude, if your parents had moved to LA instead of San Carlos when you were a kid, you’d be a Dodgers fan just like them. It’s pretend hate, for fun while watching sports.

  15. Ummm…as a Giants fan, lifelong since I was six and got to actually see Chili Davis arrive in the Giants system, I want to wish for and think of Freddie and his family. I absolutely loved my nuclear family life when it was happening. There was absolutely nothing that ever compared to my siblings and parents and we shared my best memories that are still the most favorite for me to this day.

    Nothing Freddie Freeman will ever do in his life, to the Giants, will ever be more important than T than the health of his child.

    All my family is gone, and I’m young and still here. Freddie can win the fucking World Series to save his kid and I’d wear his fucking jersey to ensure it happened.

  16. Fuck that asshole! I don’t and won’t accept fuckers like this to our Giants family.

  17. I think in this divisive political landscape, people forget that we are all human beings and for some reason each side seems to dehumanize the other side. These comments are from piece of shit human beings and I want nothing to do with them.

    I don’t know the context of what is going on with Freeman and his family, but I hope whatever it is they come out brighter on the other end. Family is always one of the most important things in life.

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