This was the dumbest play in NFL History | Chicago Bears Vs Houston Texans | Weird Kickoff Rule

This was the dumbest play in NFL History | Chicago Bears Vs Houston Texans | Weird Kickoff Rule

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  1. This is really a dumb concept imo leave that in the XFL it’s in a league that’s barely watched for a reason if they wanted to make kickoffs better all they had to do was make the end zone and the back of the end zone part of “out of bounds” so if you kick it there the other team gets the ball at their own 40 like if you kick it out of bounds and to prevent the returner from just letting it go passed him and rolling there so it counts as out of bounds wherever the ball lands and touches the ground on its last bounce before going in the end zone that’s where that team starts with the ball legit now all kickoffs are better cause it will make kickers try to keep it in bounds and make the return team actually want to take the kicks out but all these other rules is just dumb

  2. You know Democrats And the NFL always wanna Change stuff that works , there was absolutely no reason to Change the Kick offs , its gonna limit Kick off returns for Tds because it can be defended to easy , they are taking away fun from Football > Im about this close to saying Goodbye the Fans have no say in the new Rules .

  3. dude you need to watch more football and/or stop with the misleading headlines. This wasn't that bad…. the guy tripped and fell

  4. They had Devon Hestor on interview and he was like I thought we would see more better runs but I guess they need to work it out > He was being Nice on TV but they are getting paid and not talk Bad about it >

  5. The reason this exists tho is so there isn’t a touchback on literally every kick. It’s kinda dumb but idk it has to be done. That’s my opinion

  6. First off the field was obviously slick because several players on both teams were slipping a lot. Second this is the first game of the years and teams have been in pads like a week at this point.
    Third of course they are experimenting in the preseason to get film of all the different senerios so they can use it to make adjustments. All in all it was a lot cleaner than i was expecting for the first go around.

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