08/01/24- Today I realized this might be one of the most special Cleveland teams yet and to be able to witness this group play is special

08/01/24- Today I realized this might be one of the most special Cleveland teams yet and to be able to witness this group play is special

  1. đź’Ż
    I also realized today that essentially this whole team under contract/control for next season as well. Only guys I can think of that aren’t are Barlow, Cobb, and Hedges. Cookie too I guess but he might retire.

  2. This is also the most JosĂ© RamĂ­rez the team has ever been, and it’s a great thing, if that makes sense to anyone else.

    I feel like he has a rising tide effect that is practically unseen in baseball. Like I remember looking at stats and thinking the Cavs would still be a good team when Lebron left, and it was quickly like, ah, right, those other guys had better stats because of Him.

    It’s amazing the kind of season J-Ram’s having. And if he keeps up through September… he might just only finish 5th in AL MVP voting.

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