Assuming HEALTH!!!, we have a winning formula

Assuming HEALTH!!!, we have a winning formula

  1. Assuming we’re still the New York Jets……well.

    Assume nothing, maybe something different will happen. Haven’t been holding my breath for anything Jets related, since September 11th, 2023.

    I want to note, that I had soured on any know forms of hope for my Jets, after Zachs second year. Also, after each and every disaster we call a season, since 2015. I shit my pants hardcore (some might say supremely) when Arod came in. But I played it cool all through pre-season. Ive been a die hard for this team awhile now, early 90’s are my first memories of them. They will fuck your soul. So I knew better. I couldn’t hold it in when game one started, though.

    Then 4 snaps into a type of raw hope (that I found not only enlightening, but very sexual) that those Jets hadn’t given me since 12’. Was suddenly, violently, ripped from my beaming pineal gland and ripe testicles like a newborn being ripped away by great Odin himself. I know many of you will closely relate. It was the straw that truly broke me. I genuinely don’t care (I think it sucks, if Im being honest with myself) about my Jets, until they stop hurting me.

    They are abusive. They will not be allowed to have access to my trust or unwavering love, until they earn it. Im standing up for myself in this relationship by checking out a little bit. No more money, no more clicks or views on Jets related content, no Madden when it comes out so I can play as my Jets. It’s done until I see otherwise. I don’t deserve all this suffering and the freakin Jets don’t deserve me.

    So with that said and my truth spoken, I’ll see you guys as soon as camp kicks off! LFGJ! Week 1!

    I. WILL. BE. THERE!!! J! E! T! S! BABY!!!!

  2. I would prefer not to predict anything as I have a good chance of looking like a right fool….. but playoffs?

  3. Been a Jets fan for a little over 15 years now. For those thinking that’s a very short time, well it might be relative to other fans but I lived in Mexico most my life. Football isn’t as popular in some areas. Regardless I eventually became a Jets fan during the Sanchez/Revis good years.

    I knew close to nothing about football and I was so impressed watching the Jets play solid ball. They made playoffs and won some games as well. Basically I was sold. Little did I know how much of a shit show this team is.

    I am still a die hard fan, and always will be. But as someone who is somewhat new to this, I can accept that this team is a circus. There is always “something”. I think it is bad management/ownership. Its clear to me that something has to change.

    Assuming health (and same ownership/management) I think it’s going to be another mediocre year for the team.

    I have seen promise in the last year and half. We do have some young bucks and season vets. I can only hope they pull together.

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