Talk nationwide about the streak and ineptitude.

Have you read stories?

This is nationwide. This one is brutal.

After the Olympics and the NFL…they might be targeted to the end. I'd love to see Sox bad stuff on the death march on a podcast, YT, Reddit, or anything.

  1. “It’s been more than a month since the team won even twice in a row. That a team could be this grisly in 2024 is a disgrace to baseball and an embarrassment for the executives who have allowed it. But the White Sox aren’t a ballclub anymore. They’re a rubbernecking opportunity, and this is a wreck with kerosene spread all around it.”

  2. I do not see how MLB doesn’t intervene this off season. This level of incompetence can’t possibly be an accident. Yet even if it is they will want to install there own people to audit and bring this catastrophe into proper franchise practices. Why should Jerry be allowed access to profit sharing? The NBA forced out the Clippers guy, Don Sterling.

  3. Obtaining national exposure for Jerry‘s systemic incompetence is the one positive to come come from this travesty. Jerry’s identify as a money grubbing miserable owner is being firmly established on a national scale. The Oakland A’s are no longer the benchmark of miserable ownership as Jerry is now in a league of his own. The celebration Sox fans will have at his passing will be all the sweeter as we have experienced the depths of baseball depravity.

  4. I’m getting a little tired of this, I didn’t think we were gonna hit the deepest part of rock bottom

  5. Jerry will never be forced out by the MLB. He has too much sway/power and they love him for past actions that filled their pockets. The only way he doesn’t control the Sox is when he’s six feet under.

  6. I feel bad for some of the players who are stuck here. Yeah they make more money than I do, but to be nationally ridiculed day after day must suck. Their family, friends, and colleagues see this stuff. Opponents are licking their chops to play the Sox and must be laughing as they round the bases. Again, money can fix a lot of problems but no one wants to be humiliated day after day.

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