A bit saddening to see. Even with a legacy rivalry between two teams, there should be compassion.

A bit saddening to see. Even with a legacy rivalry between two teams, there should be compassion.

  1. Judging by the second guy’s user name it’s just a troll account. Not sure why people feel the need to be this way. Pretty disgusting, though.

  2. People just don’t realize that baseball players have lives outside of baseball.

  3. Yeah stupid people say horrible shit online. This is nothing new, nor is it newsworthy. Quit stirring up drama.

  4. Go into any Twitter thread and you’ll find awful comments. Some people suck. I’m a die hard Giants fan but any normal person would realize that this is a sport that we watch for entertainment, not a war. People need to grow tf up.

  5. I’m not a fan of either team and I know that rivalry has gotten pretty heated in the past, but that is some awful stuff to post.

  6. Unfortunately there are people like this in every fan base. Some people can’t comprehend that family is more important than baseball will ever be.

  7. Enemy team? No team or fan of a team is my enemy. It’s a fucking game and we rib each other. Like, fuck the Mets, but I’d never actually wish harm on any of them. I just want them to lose a kids game. Baseball is a child’s game played by grown men for our amusement and nothing more. These people are sick. Touch some grass.

  8. Stay classy, San Francisco fans.

    Or maybe have a bit of fucking humanity over a life and death situation rather than view sports as a tribal warfare.

  9. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The internet was not only one of the most important innovations of mankind but also the absolute worst as well! People are mentally unstable and instead of locking them up in institutions we let them run free so they can poison the rest of society with their vitriol.

  10. Breaking news: anonymous social media accounts let people post whatever they want for reactions and attention because they are huge losers and that’s the only way they can get human interaction

  11. Man, I’m a Twins hometown fan. We get bent over by the Yanks no matter what. We call it a rivalry but rivalries imply it isn’t one sided lmao.

    Guess what? Every time I’m in NYC I go to some Yankees games. I can’t imagine wishing harm or anything on opposing rival team. Like tf? Baseball is fun and for all. Let it just be enjoyed.

  12. The guy who changed his name to Bay Area Sports fan gives away the game, it’s just trolls

  13. I’m an Eagles fan and I hate the Cowboys with a passion…on game day. If this was happening to a Cowboys player, I’d wish him and his family all the best.

    My girlfriend is a pediatric psych nurse practitioner. I asked her about this. The Freeman’s have a rough, rough journey ahead. My heart goes out to them.

  14. There’s more to life than baseball, and these people fail to see the bigger picture. You can be a die hard fan and love your team/sport, but for the love of god – this is someone’s child.

    Show compassion.

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