Players on Unusual Teams: NY Islanders Edition

Players on Unusual Teams: NY Islanders Edition

  1. I also want to give a shoutout to Todd McLellan who played 5 games with the Islanders in 1987-88. I wanted to put him in the list but I couldn’t find a picture of him on the Islanders.

    Here are the previous editions:
















    [Los Angeles](




    [New Jersey](

  2. You could have told me Kozlov played 4 seasons there and I would have believed it. Seemed like more than one year for some reason.

  3. A couple of these clips remind me of just how terrible the Reebok Edge rebrand was in 2007-08 for a lot of teams. The Isles jersey from that period is god awful.

  4. I feel like Vanek and Marc Bergevin are on half of these lists…

    Also, is it just me or does it look like Cliff Ronning is wearing equipment from 5 different teams in that photo.

  5. That Ryan Smythe card is hilarious. My first thought was the orange looked right because it’s close enough to Edmonton, until you notice the logo. But then the banner says “Colorado Avalanche” and I’m like, make up your mind, Ryan.

  6. Reebok produced pure shit in Jersey designs. Holy shit some of these from 2008-2011 are flat out bad.

  7. It’s funny with Ryan smyth because it’s the same colors he wore forever just a different circular logo hahaha

  8. Idk should Neiderreiter or Luongo be considered unusual considering they drafted both of them?

  9. There’s a guy I know who has a podcast that covers “Weird Islanders,” so this is cool.

    Also, I cannot stress this enough, FUCK KIRK MULLER

  10. Luongo is a weird one since I heavily associate him with the Islanders due to them developing him.

  11. I’m happy my boy Zajaculation signed his one day contract to retire a Devil, the guy was solid as they come during such a rough era of the team. Glad they did try to give him one more shot at the Cup with the Isles though that year. He deserved it as much as anybody.

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