I love this jersey

Wish they would bring this back as an occasional throwback or something.

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  2. This was my first jersey!! Still have it but it’s definitely not holding up as good as yours. Man I miss Deader

  3. I hope that crown never is used again by the Kings.

    Purple/Black/Silver with our “new” logo might look really good. I’d like to see some mock ups…

    The Kings have phased out the LA KINGS / LOS ANGELES font and the numbers from this era too…

    Bottom line: if you love this jersey that’s cool, but it’s probably mostly nostalgia.

  4. It’s crazy how pretty much nobody talks about these jerseys when the Kings are brought up. I know the team has had a bunch of great jerseys over the years, but these ones have always been my favorite.

  5. Fun fact; this logo and these jerseys have been Mandela Effect’d by us Kings fans.

    A lot of us think this particular aesthetic coincided with the team moving into ~~Staples Center~~ Crypto Arena in 1999-2000, when in reality the logo and jerseys actually debuted the prior season which was the final one at the Forum.

  6. I love the version with the crown in front instead of the shield. However, I live Deadmarsh. It really is too bad he kept getting concussions

  7. Just freaking love it.

    When we weren’t allergic to actual colors. I’m so over the black and white Raiders shtick.

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